AMD Announces Embedded Radeon E8860 GPU

by Ian Cutress on 2/25/2014 1:44 AM EST
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  • ninjaquick - Tuesday, February 25, 2014 - link

    Take that, Transmeta!
  • Mondozai - Tuesday, February 25, 2014 - link

    They haven't existed for over 5 years.
    Get updated.
  • dmaclaren - Tuesday, February 25, 2014 - link

  • fteoath64 - Tuesday, February 25, 2014 - link

    Embedded ??!. This is a discrete gpu for all intends and purposes since it is on MXM module and interfaced via PCIe bus. To place such gpu power into a laptop with close to GTX 650M performance level is a good thing. Maybe mobo designers can embed one of these into mATX or ITX boards with Core i3 processors or even Kaveri systems allowing crossfire and netfinity functionality at a low price compared to Intel's lousy igpu. At least one can access Mantle drivers for games, so it could be a bonus for mobo makers to mark up $50 more. Here in lies the issue of potential upgradability depending on the cooling scheme used. Passive heatpipe sinks on a stick going past the backplate ?!.
  • Krysto - Wednesday, February 26, 2014 - link

    AMD should make a Titan equivalent, but in APU form. It could sell very well for people who want to play VR games, and want chips that are well integrated for low latency, and have very high performance.

    Unfortunately, AMD will probably continue their strategy of overpricing their chips because of the crypto-miners, which will make them useless for the VR crowd. So if they do it, they have to decide before that they are not going to gouge their customers.
  • Gigaplex - Wednesday, February 26, 2014 - link

    That wouldn't work very well on DDR3. You'd need a custom system with faster memory, like GDDR5. Now you're in PS4 territory.

    As for high prices with crypto-mining, AMD didn't set those high prices. The retailers are pricing way above MSRP in North America.

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