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  • ImSpartacus - Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - link

    This seems like a good Kindle Fire competitor, but I don't know if we will get much out of it. For $200, this wouldn't be a bad purchase for a tablet-less enthusiast, but how many of us don't already own tablets?

    I can't see this REPLACING my current tablet like I could see a Nexus phone replacing my current Android phone. I feel like tablets are great. However once you own one, why would you need to "upgrade" in the near future?

    With convertible A15 devices looming over the horizon, I feel like current tablet owners shouldn't bother with the Nexus 7.
  • EnzoFX - Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - link

    I can kinda see this. The bigger the device, the more future proof it almost seems =P. Like if you built a desktop, prob can last a few years. Tablet hardware is usually a considerable bump above phones. There's great advancements, but a lot of current needs are already being met. Retina screens seems to be the big reason I'll be upgrading, but even then only when I feel I really need it.
  • ImSpartacus - Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - link

    I don't really even mean "future-proof." I just mean that it's really not that desirable if you own one of last year's tablets. As a tablet owner, I might upgrade to a ~$500 convertible hi-res A15 tablet. That offers a sizable leap in functionality from a 2011 tablet.

    But the Nexus 7 is basically an upgraded Kindle Fire. I understand that's the role Google wants it to fill, but it just doesn't seem like news to the enthusiast crowd. Jelly Bean is great and it's cool that Google is trying to sell a device with (basically) polished ICS. However it's definitely a mainstream device, not something we care about.
  • Impulses - Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - link

    I agree, this could be a huge opportunity to boost Android tablet sales tho, which in the end benefits any Android user and Google of course. I bought an original Transformer last summer for $300 during a big special and I doubt I'll be replacing it this year, might not even replace it until next summer.

    The dock is cool and all tho I still feel it should be $100. Next year I might opt foran 8 9" model... All the hype about hybrid/convertible devices has me scratching my head a bit. I can see the appeal if you only want to carry one device, but I'm staring to think I'd really rather not.

    An 8.9" tablet + a 13-14" laptop seems much more ideal for me personally.
  • ImSpartacus - Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - link

    The two device solution just doesn't work. I want my computing experience to move with me and it really doesn't do that today. I know the Android boys are working hard with Beam and Chrome's shared tabs, but it doesn't cover everything. It needs to be dipshit-effortless before I would consider a two device solution.

    Personally, an 12.5-13.3" 1080p convertible Haswell Win8 machine with 10 hours of battery life would do it for me.

    I want to be able to sit on my couch and browse the web. Then I want to take my machine to school and use Office. Finally, I want to bring it home, hook it up to a larger monitor and play some games. I typically play older Source games & mods like TF2 & ZPS, so Haswell's best GPU would be good enough for me at 1080p.

    But I'm really excited for what convertible TDP will bring in a few years. I can't wait to plug my Ultrabook-sized machine into a cooling station and watch those clocks rise from their battery-slurping grave.
  • SleepyFE - Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - link

    Kindle Fire does not have a Tegra 3 in it. Why they went with a 7" instead of a 10" is beyond me. You can't fit either in a pocket, might as well make it large enough to be useful. They are trying to make it cheap and good and it seems to achieve that. The point is that you don't have to look for a good tablet among the sea of good and bad. They are trying to make it into an iPad. For people who don't know what the hell to look for this is cheap and the UI will probably be smooth, making it a no-brainer for normal people.

    I personally don't like tablets, but if they were to make a 13" tablet, the keyboard would be big enough to work with, and that might be the link to get android to the desktop. With that goal in mind, the UI would need a bit of a redesign to make it more mouse friendly.

    And that is how you get Linux to desktops!!
  • Impulses - Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - link

    Toshiba makes a 13" tablet already, it's not really comfortable to use in the typical tablet scenarios tho... Hybrid/convertible tablets are definitely devices for people that don't own nor need mid sized laptops IMO (anything between 13" and the slimmer 15"ers), otherwise you end up with two devices competing against was each other.

    I say that after owning an ASUS Transformer for a year btw... As my only device while traveling it's great, much better for work than play but Win 8 devices will address that. In addition to a laptop it's often redundant. Mouse input on Android and the TF in particular works just fine tho.
  • seamonkey79 - Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - link

    I can fit the 7" tablets in my pocket just fine, while being able to have full motion for walking comfortably and everything. True, it's not great for sitting, but if I'm sitting, I have the tablet out in either case. I had an Iconia A500, was a great tablet, but I need something a bit smaller. This, well, fits exactly what I need it to be. Open Android with the size of the Fire. Win/Win for me and those like me (of which there are more than one might think)
  • jtd871 - Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - link

    I'd consider upgrading from my Lenovo A1 - except that 16GB doesn't cut it for media (music) storage on a wifi-only device. Add a microSD slot, and this thing will fly off the shelves. As it is, it's very tempting, but not capacious enough to be compelling.

    The lack of expandability is also just one of many reasons that I will likely never buy an Apple tablet (take that, Judge Koh), no matter how advanced or pretty it otherwise is.
  • ImSpartacus - Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - link

    I don't think we'll see a microSD slot in a Nexus device ever again. I remember reading some article about why the GNex didn't have a microSD slot. It's something technical, but the point was that it was an intentional decision.
  • nathanddrews - Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - link

    ... because Google technically couldn't control its revenue stream (Google users) enough to force them to the cloud?


    I'm with jtd871. The lack of external storage is a deal killer.
  • ImSpartacus - Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - link

    Oh I understand. That's why I'm currently waiting on my SGS3 (btw, it got a really bad rap for basically being a GNex with an upgraded SoC, microSD slot and removable battery).

    However, I think that there were actual technical limitations that Google didn't want consumers to have to deal with. I think it had something to do with the microSD card being readable by only one OS at a time (Windows/OSX or Android). Somehow, they got it to work properly with internal storage by letting Windows/OSX look at media while Android could still use app data and stuff. I'll try to look for the article.
  • Menty - Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - link

    Yeah, I'm the same I'm afraid. Gimme the means to add storage, I'd be all over this. As it is, it's just another one to ignore :(.
  • guidryp - Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - link

    A SD/Micro-SD would have made this just about the perfect 7" tablet.

    The omission kills it for me. 16GB Maximum just isn't enough in our media rich world.
  • EnzoFX - Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - link

    Meh, these days I stream everything. Even local content. Even from outside the home.
  • mcnabney - Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - link

    No wireless on these devices. WiFi or nothing.
  • mcnabney - Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - link

    I agree. Also, charging $50 extra for a mere 8GB increase is beyond even Apple exploitation. I was ready to spend at launch, now I am looking for options...
  • SteveTheWalrus - Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - link

    " beyond even Apple exploitation." no it seems pretty in line with apple actually.
    And I think people are forgetting this is supposed to compete with the kindle fire, so its really aimed at the average user, for which 8GB is mostly fine, 16GB would be over kill, and have micro SD just would mean i would have to pry out whatever people put in there that isn't micro SD.
  • ImSpartacus - Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - link

    It's not BEYOND Apple "exploitation," just in line with it. Apple charges a hundred bucks to go from the 16GB iPad to the 32GB version. That's 16GB/$100. So 8GB/$50 is perfectly in line.

    I'm not saying that's it's cool to charge so much for just flash, but it IS in line with the iPad.
  • codedivine - Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - link

    Is there a HDMI connector?
  • Roland00Address - Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - link

    This looks to be a kindle fire with the google play store, nexus updates (fast updates), better processor, and better screen but still a limited device like the kindle fire.
  • zorxd - Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - link

    If they can make a $200 7" tablet, pretty sure they can make a smaller phone with similar specs and price.
  • Impulses - Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - link

    Or an 8.9"-10" tablet that isn't more than twice as expensive. Seriously tho, $500+ tablets with mobile OS have always been a rip off... I bought a Transformer for $300 last year andastill feel like I overpaid a little, even tho I really like it. Apple has always charged a premium for hardware so whatever, but Samsung (and almost every other Android tablet OEM) charging $50-100 more than the likes of ASUS/Acer is really holding the market back, specially when ASUS has consistently had the better product anyway (albeit held back by distribution).
  • sprockkets - Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - link

    At $200 Amazon or Asus/Google are not making any money, but you notice the push about content on google play today :)
  • syxbit - Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - link

    What version of the linux kernel does Jelly Bean use?
  • zorxd - Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - link

    The Nexus 7 appears to be running 3.1.10
  • zorxd - Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - link

    although it might not be the final release
  • TareX - Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - link

    This is insane, how they dropped the MicroSD slot from their flagship tablet. Unbelievable.
  • sprockkets - Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - link

    I know, especially since the Nexus S and Galaxy Nexus have them.

    Oh wait...
  • mcnabney - Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - link

    You can get 32GB in both. So this device has a bigger screen, faster processor, and half the storage. All while attempting to be the delivery portal for Google Play. Smart move Google. Buy a couple movies - look - all full! And since there is no upgrading you will have to delete. Customers LOVE IT when they have to delete content they already paid for....
  • numberoneoppa - Wednesday, June 27, 2012 - link

    1) GSM Galaxy Nexus is only offered in 16GB.
    2) Cloud.

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