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  • codedivine - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    Just a clarification:. I guess these don't support fp64?
  • Ryan Smith - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    Correct. AMD only supports FP64 on the 5800, 5900, and 6900 series.
  • haplo602 - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    6800 do not ?
  • Ryan Smith - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    Also correct. The 6800 series (Barts) does not support FP64; AMD opted not to include it to save on die space.
  • haplo602 - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    awww so my choices got reduced to the 5850 :-(
  • Taft12 - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    At $150, 5850 is the obvious choice anyway (today - 6570/6670 launch day)
  • Macabre215 - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    Eh. If this is your price point you might as well go with a 5670.
  • Taft12 - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    Not if you want the 6xxx-series features.
  • OzzieGT - Saturday, April 23, 2011 - link

    Why? 5670 costs only $5 less on newegg right now and it uses more power. I would rather pay the extra $5 for the newest generation card if it offers the same performance.
  • dagamer34 - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    Don't these cards do AMD 3D? That's the only reason for someone to upgrade a previous HTPC card to something with a Turks GPU.
  • Ryan Smith - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    Yes, they do. So does the 6450, which is why I suspect 6450 is going to be the best HTPC card for most people.
  • SteelCity1981 - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    I got a 5670 and the 10% increase in performance isn't worth me spening an extra 100+ dollars on a 6670. See what AMD has in stores with the Radeon 7 series.
  • tomoyo - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    Yep, it's not for anyone with a current 5xxx. For me, I may go for this card because I want something low power for htpc + casual gaming, and it should be silence-able as well with the low idle power usage. Also hdmi will be nice with audio when connecting to tvs :)
  • G-Man - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link


    Are there any plans to do articles where you "revisit" old conclusions and see if they still hold true? Like for Radeon 5670, it wasn't priced well at launch and suffered for it in the review, but after price cuts it's pretty much recommended everywhere in the price segment. It's often hard to understand exactly what Anandtech recommends at the moment, as opposed to at launch.

  • tomoyo - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    Sounds like one of the only useful things from tomshardware, the video card price guide. I'd say you could always look there if you want to know the best current price/performance cards.
  • 789427 - Wednesday, April 20, 2011 - link

    Ding, Ding...
    I enjoy both sites as both provide me with news and different perspectives but Mr Smith, kindly refrain from bad-mouthing your colleagues.

    Let me provide you some insight that seems to refute Anandtech and Tomshardware *shared* claims about the latest and best in graphics...

    Both sites focussed on noise as being the decision criteria for adopting one top end card over the other. Availability is more pertinent in the case of the high end cards.

    To focus on noise as the deal-breaker seemed quite moot when Nvidia doesn't intend shipping 590 cards in volume.

    Furthermore, a reference design at this level is simply a speed showcase - I don't for a second think that the majority of cards will be sold based on the reference design but at this level, manufacturers will listen to their client's desires (or to the noise the card actually makes and make some changes;))

    In this particular instance, I was amazed at how much your opinions overlapped.

    The reason that I've gone to such lengths with this particular example is to highlight what the most useful thing about Anandtech and Toms actually is - a difference of opinion that better highlights the truth often shaded by opinions and preconceptions.

    Your comment above should seriously be reconsidered as I believe that as a genre, both sites have actually contributed to each other's success far more than any individual, including yourself, has.

    My 2c.

    Finally, about the cards... I find both fill a market. new purchasers of 1080 screen non-gamers will be satisfied with the lower offering and people that just want good performance without changing PSUs, heating a room and generally want good bang for the buck. How many people pay MSRP online? So the launch price tends to be higher... Just state the price that you'd recommend it and save us from reading the same old comments over again...

    So, the 5750 is going to become an outmode as soon as the 7 series is out. and there are cards to replace it that are cheaper to make and run cooler. Not quite news but good to see in the flesh. Wasn't the real story of the 6 series that AMD finally got crossfire to scale right? ah well...
  • Soulkeeper - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    I'd like to see the stats tables include the memory bandwidth so I don't have to calculate it myself each time I read one of these.

  • AstroGuardian - Thursday, April 21, 2011 - link

  • Arnulf - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    This not only goes to show how much hardware has improved over time but it also gives owners of older cards, perhaps with a rattling fan or some other issues, plenty of incentive to upgrade. My X1950Pro gave up on me recently so I went for Vapor-X version of HD5770. New card is virtually silent compared to that old beast.

    Keep up this practice and consider including comparable models from BOTH manufacturers ! :)
  • vavutsikarios - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    There are 2 things I want to say, both a bit sideways the topic.

    First, about the paperlaunched 6450, I dont get it. The card is for sale, retail, at various shops here 2 weeks now. Doesnt look like a paperlaunch from where I stand, and this is not the most central part of the world (i live in greece)

    Second, and more important, there is an upcoming game I d like to see in reviews. I am talking about might and magic heroes 6, scheduled to launch on June 23.
    There is an interesting twist about it, most probably. I mean, if the game is anything like its predecessors, its going to be much more useful as a CPU than as a GPU benchmark. I mean, you can easily play a turn based strategy while on 15-20 fps. They are enough. But when I run the 6 years old heroes 5, with all the graphics details on high, no problem there, I still have to wait for the AI to complete their turn. The game is CPU limited SIX YEARS after it was released!!
  • Ryan Smith - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    Our primary focus on reviews is for the North American market. I'm not sure about Europe and Asia, but in North America the 6450 does (did?) not go on sale in retail until today. It has been available to OEMs for a couple of months however.
  • mino - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    Even ignoring your global audience, if a card was available for MONTHS in the OEM channel, calling it "paper launch" is absurd.

    But; who pays, he gets. :(
  • AstroGuardian - Thursday, April 21, 2011 - link

    Consider opening an European branch. Many of us do not agree with many things in the reviews.
  • Targon - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    If a game is CPU limited after that many years, that hints that the game is not multi-threaded by design. Both Intel and AMD have really been more focused on multi-core designs, rather than really pushing the performance of individual cores. Yes, there have been improvements, but it has not been the real focus of CPU development. AMD looks to be working on getting the core design improved to be more competitive with Intel, but that is pretty much it at this point. Going to a 32nm CPU design should also help.
  • vavutsikarios - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    I guess it's not really multithreaded, and even if it is, it definitely won't use more than 2 cores. Afterall, it's a 2005 game. But this is besides the point. The game is CPU limited because of its nature. It is not a design flaw or anything. To clarify: the CPU is the limiting factor not from a performance POV but from a gaming experience POV. After you do whatever you have to do you click the "end turn" button. Then you have to wait for the AI to make their move. This takes awhile. It was minutes, worst case, on the PC I had when I first played the game, it may be less than a minute on the 3GHz quadcore I use now. Still, in order to have smooth gameplay, I need this to become 100x faster.
  • SlyNine1 - Wednesday, April 20, 2011 - link

    Thats like saying ChessMaster is CPU limited. Or saying Every game out there is HDD/SDD limited. Yes you will have to wait for complexe operations, but it doesn't interfer with gameplay. Because of that its hard pressed to say its CPU limited, as It doesn't limit gameplay.
  • vavutsikarios - Wednesday, April 20, 2011 - link

    I understand what you re saying. The CPU speed, at these levels of CPU performance, doesnt interfere with the functions of the game, that is true. But it does affect the gaming experience. Imagine having to wait a couple of hours for the AI. Wouldnt that be really frustrating? More than that, wouldnt it render the game unplayable? The way you define gameplay, having to wait any amount of time doesnt matter. So, I guess, it is a matter of semantics, of definition of what gameplay is.
    In the broader sense, which, IMHO, is what matters, things like that are important. They directly affect the pleasures we make for ourselves in the precious little time we have. So, yes, obviously, Every Game out there is HDD Limited! -nice line that one :)

    Btw: Chessmaster is not CPU limited, although it should be. It is not though, because having to wait for your opponent to move is part of the normal chess experience. Truth is, chessmaster moves way too fast sometimes, and sometimes it thinks a lot when what it has to do is obvious, but still.
  • AstroGuardian - Thursday, April 21, 2011 - link

  • fic2 - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    CPU limited on an i7-2600k Sandy Bridge? Or CPU limited on the cpu you bought 6 years ago to play Heroes 5?
  • vavutsikarios - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    See my reply to Targon above. An i7-2600 Sandy would probably be a nice improvement over my phenom2, but still a long way from not being the limiting factor.
  • ClagMaster - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    The HD6670 is a nice upgrade for a 9600GT, both of which are 65W cards.

    I beleive, based on 240GT performance, that the HD6670 has about 40-50% more performace over the 9600GT.

    This card has plenty of performance for games published 4 years ago.
  • arthur449 - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    Last page, middle of fourth paragraph:

    "... the Radeon HD 5770 and GeForce GTS 450 are both regularly on sale for under $100 and are easily 30% faster than the 6770."
  • Shadowmaster625 - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    Newegg has a sapphire 5750 for $103 AR

    Best part is it can apparently be flashed into a 5770.

    A 5770 curbstomps a 6670, by more than 50%.
  • Jasker - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    Finally an actual comparison using an older card. I've been using my 8800 GTS 512 for years and yet to really see a game I could determine for sure was GPU bound (I have an old dual Operaton CPU). Thanks to this article I know I can almost definately see some games with todays mid range cards. Thanks!
  • mosox - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    you don't include the HD video quality benchmark but a load of TWIMTBP games instead.
    Read Tomshardware for a decent review.
  • Spivonious - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    Agreed. These cards are not marketed towards gamers. They will more likely be used for media playback and casual gaming, not running Crysis.
  • SlyNine1 - Wednesday, April 20, 2011 - link

    No, I wouldn't buy a 6670 for someone thats just going to use it for media playback. There are much better options for that.
  • casteve - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    "The 5570 was the ultimate HTPC card, but the 6450 has dethroned it. "

    Except Ganesh is still in, you can't say it definatively.

    I was going to say, these aren't gaming cards. Then I wandered over to the March 2011 Steam Hardware survey and found ~29% of users had 1280x1024 or less monitors. Yow.

    The other humorous factoid was how the 6670 was the equivalent of the venerable 8800 GT; using 30W less in idle and half the power under load. Sort of a nice data point for progress.

    But, the biggest missing piece to this article is the analysis for HTPC. How well do the 65xx/66xx score versus the 55xx/56xx/etc? How well do they implement 24fps?

    Finally, Adobe is using gpu acceleration for some Photoshop/Lightroom/etc features. It would be nice (instead of Adobe's vague 'you can use your gpu card to accelerate' premise) to have some benchmarks for these lower tier cards to see what they actually do and whether a bottom end card is all you truly need for these apps.
  • Belard - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link


    Thing is, these new cards are quite usable for people on a budget - for gaming, or to do some gaming in an HTPC, which the 6450 cannot do. I still play games on my rather old 4670.

    The video quality and feature set is what makes the 6000 series better than the 5000 and of course the GeForce cards which have severe HTPC / video output issues.
  • Spivonious - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    Can the charts with noise levels please include the noise floor of the room, or of the system without the video card installed (which I'm assuming is around 41dBA in this case)? Also, can the distance of measurement be included? I would love to see measurements taken at two distances - one next to the case and one about 3-5 feet away to get the level at a normal seating distance.
  • Taft12 - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    Courtesy of Hardwarezone (and Techconnect), here's a look at what many of the major AMD video card hardware partners have for us on release day:







    Highlights (for me): the HIS fanless 6570 and that dual-fan MSI 6670! I'm sure many more overclocked and exotic cooler models (like MSI Cyclone and HIS IceQ) are on their way
  • LB-ID - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    The eternal question.
  • ekoostik - Thursday, April 21, 2011 - link

    I just read all the comments looking for something like this. Thanks for not letting me down. Ryan, nice TMBG reference.
  • larson0699 - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    We know, we know. The article immediately reads "copypasta" when I see this. *sigh*
  • jah1subs - Tuesday, April 19, 2011 - link

    Personally, I expect my next build to be used mostly as a work (browser + Office 2010) PC (no games) and to be used sometimes as an HTPC and -- very infrequently -- a video encoder since our only child will probably be more than 500 miles away, going to college. I am cheap, especially about electricity. My apartment is all fluorescents today and I am impatiently waiting for 5000K LED bulbs.

    Therefore, I may be looking at the 6570, or, more likely, the 6450. But what about the Sandy Bridge integrated 3000 graphics? Below, I have copied several paragraphs about the 23.976 fps problem from The Sandy Bridge Review, "A Near-Perfect HTPC." What is the current status of the software fix mentioned in the last paragraph? Is it available? Have you tested it?

    "What happens when you try to play 23.976 fps content on a display that refreshes itself 24.000 times per second? You get a repeated frame approximately every 40 seconds to synchronize the source frame rate with the display frame rate. That repeated frame appears to your eyes as judder in motion, particularly evident in scenes involving a panning camera."

    "How big of an issue this is depends on the user. Some can just ignore the judder, others will attempt to smooth it out by setting their display to 60Hz, while others will be driven absolutely insane by it."

    "If you fall into the latter category, your only option for resolution is to buy a discrete graphics card. Currently AMD’s Radeon HD 5000 and 6000 series GPUs correctly output a 23.976Hz refresh rate if requested. These GPUs also support bitstreaming Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD MA, while the 6000 series supports HDMI 1.4a and stereoscopic 3D. The same is true for NVIDIA’s GeForce GT 430, which happens to be a pretty decent discrete HTPC card."

    "Intel has committed to addressing the problem in the next major platform revision, which unfortunately seems to be Ivy Bridge in 2012. There is a short-term solution for HTPC users absolutely set on Sandy Bridge. Intel has a software workaround that enables 23.97Hz output. There’s still a frame rate mismatch at 23.97Hz, but it would be significantly reduced compared to the current 24.000Hz-only situation."

    Anandtech, thank you in advance for your reply.
  • Belard - Wednesday, April 20, 2011 - link

    For an office/browser setup. Any current technology will work just fine. My old 2009 ThinkPad runs Windows7 pretty good with a PDC 1.8Ghz (bottom end Core2) with crappy intel graphics and 2GB of RAM.

    The AMD Fusion Llano platform is pretty exciting and its not even the top-end bulldog. Its onboard graphics destroys intel and it'll help the CPU with other tasks.

    Sandy bridge is very good of course, so just add a $60~80 video card and you are ready to go. Sad we have to talk about todays CPUs by their code-names.

    ** Don't expect an answer concerning the 23.976fps issues. Call intel on that one. intel always had and always will have sub-par graphics. Check out HOW stupid Intel is.

    For the bottom end SB, it has the worst performing built-in GPU. The top-end has their best, which is still pathetic compared to the graphics built into AMD chipsets. Logic should dictate that the person who spends $500+ on a CPU, is most likely going to have a dedicated video card - DUH! Even a $40 6450 will smoke any built-in Sandybridge graphics. Its the entry level systems that need better graphics.
  • papapapapapapapababy - Wednesday, April 20, 2011 - link

    i got 640 sp in 2009 for 99$... (4770) screw u AMD... go sell this POS to Nintendo
  • Spoelie - Wednesday, April 20, 2011 - link

    Sapphire just launched an 5850 SKU ("xtreme") at sub 150$ prices...

    euroland: 115€

    newegg: 145$

    crazy prices for the performance
    don't know how long supplies will last but it launched less than 10 days ago..
  • Spazweasel - Friday, April 22, 2011 - link

    Has anyone actually seen a low-profile 6670 offered for sale anywhere? I see only a small handful of full-height cards when I search.
  • Taft12 - Monday, April 25, 2011 - link

    No OEM ever made a low-profile 5670 and I don't imagine there will be a low-profile 6670 either.
  • siniranji - Wednesday, April 27, 2011 - link

    actually after laying hands on 5450 lately, time for brace up for 6450, no problem, i am ready to spend some bucks on the new things. i hope this will quench my thirst for high def and 3D
  • godsmack41 - Friday, June 3, 2011 - link

    I'm getting an old Acer Veriton S670g(for 0$) which comes with a 300 watt power supply,I'm not sure that it does have a 300 watt anyway.On the benchmarks I see that it requires so about 200 watt on full load so please does anyone know for sure that the 6570/6670 would work or not.
    Cpu: Intel E8300 2.83Ghz (65 watt)
    Memory: 4GB ddr2
    I hope that this is not a stupid question.
  • YURBAN - Friday, January 25, 2013 - link

    Read this article, enJoy

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