E3 2006: PlayStation 3 and Nintendo Wii

by Haider Farhan on 5/16/2006 1:52 AM EST
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  • Saist - Wednesday, May 17, 2006 - link

    I read the article entry about the Wii being aimed at kids and younger audiences... and I have to wonder, did this author attend the same convention I did? Did he play the same games I did? Was he playing the same version of Metroid, Mario, Zelda, Excite Truck, Project Hammer, Tony Hawks Downhill Jam, and Sonic that I was playing?

    With that opening line, I think it's safe to say that no, he wasn't. I don't know where he was, but it wasn't in LA, and it wasn't in Nintendo's booth at E3.

    The Wii is a hardcore gaming system. Get over it. It's for hardcore gamers. Little kids can keep their Xbox 360's and Playstation3's. I'll take something that actually is fun to play again.
  • Sharky974 - Thursday, May 18, 2006 - link

    Please. The wii is for little kids, girls, and old people. PS3 and 360 are for hardcore games.

    I have my doubts about Wii being a long term success. You look at some of the amazing games like Brothers in Arms on the PS3/360, I'm sorry but Wii will never be able to duplicate that wow factor of truly jaw dropping graphics. BIA it's like you're in a real city the graphics are so photoreal. We truly haven't scratched the surface of next-gen graphics yet. The first wave of 360 titles was like, not even close to what's happening now.
  • brshoemak - Saturday, May 20, 2006 - link


    You look at some of the amazing games like Brothers in Arms on the PS3/360, I'm sorry but Wii will never be able to duplicate that wow factor of truly jaw dropping graphics.

    i hope you're joking.

    if it's all about graphics to you then you aren't a gamer. it's about gameplay, that's why they call them 'GAMES' -- it's not solely about graphics. you could make a turd sandwich, put it on fine china, garnish it with caviar, but it's still the same old sh!t inside.

    gamers support the gameplay, not the fancy packaging it comes it. photorealism is great. photorealism in a crappy re-tread game is still a crappy game.
  • Sharky974 - Thursday, May 18, 2006 - link


    Check out this bootleg BIA video from E3.

    The game makes Call Of Duty 2 look previous gen. And I hear the Devs were specific that it was running on 360.

    I'm sorry but X360 will be priced cheap like $199 before you know it, and how many teenage boys are going to be able to resist that?
  • Billy Idol - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 - link

    what about the F1 game pictured? :/
  • Koing - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 - link

    We couldn't spare a few hundred £££ for a half decent DV camcorder?!

    Thanks for the video though. Nice.

  • JNo - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 - link

    Does anyone know how long the Nintendo Wii sensor bar's cord is? Because I have a projector set up, it would need to be at the opposite end of the room from the actual console. Or is the wire actually just a power cord wire as all the sensor bar does is just 'generate the field' and the controllers talk to the console directly?

    Bloody shame about it being standard def. I know graphics aren't all but come on Nintendo! 720p on dvi/hdmi with simple graphics wouldn't be that hard....
  • hoppa - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 - link

    Would that be worth an extra $200 to you? Because that's likely how much it would cost.

    Do you really care that much about good graphics over good game play? Keep in mind this isn't a computer where games are made at a set level and if you don't have the beefiest hardware you'll get crappy framerates. This is a system that has games designed specifically for it, and thus, your frames will always be exactly how you need them. Besides, even when you have the better graphics, how often during your actual gaming experience (assuming it's any fun) are you actually paying attention to how nice the graphics are? Do you really never pick up any of your old consoles any more because your gaming experience is ruined by the graphics?
  • yanquii - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 - link

    I definitely agree. Although it is nice to see screenshots of an upcoming game with incredible graphics, it is even nicer to play a well-designed game that keeps you hooked.

    Doom III looked incredible, but the gameplay made the game totally boring and repetitive.

    Gameplay is much more important than graphics, and I often find myself itching to pick up Zelda: The Ocarina of Time and some old SNES games.
  • lemonadesoda - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 - link

    What is it with the PS3. It looks aweful. I would be embarassed to have one of those things sitting under the TV. LET ALONG UNDER MY NEW ULTRA SLIM 37inch TFT SCREEN!!!!

    SONY have really fooked up on the design here. They should have outsourced the design to a proper studio rather than using the local kindergarten/playskool teachers to come up with a design.

    If only Apple has designed this thing... then we would be going WOW. Unfortunately, bacause it LOOKS SHITE, we are hoping that the graphics output will make up for it. And so far, even the fanboys are disappointed
  • bldckstark - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 - link

    I agree, it looks HUGE, and with the convex top you cannot put anything on top of it. Now, maybe that was the plan, that they wanted the top clear for some reason (heat?), or this is the most efficient packaging space or some such thing, but still, it is fugly.
  • fishbits - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 - link


    Now do not get us wrong; the (PS3) graphics we saw are very nice, but they just aren't up to par with the pre-rendered demos we were shown in 2005.
    Huh? You mean to say that it was wrong to form an opinion on the capability of PS3 hardware based on Sony hype and bogus pre-rendered videos? That it's best to base judgements on the actual product? I'm beginning to think it's a bad idea to follow fanboys as they swandive off cliffs.

    Does look like a decent amount of ventilation space on the front of the unit. This should have the "OMG, if I concentrate in a quiet room I can hear the fan!" guys nervous.
  • BigandSlimey - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 - link

    Why do you guys use and recommend Azureus? Isn't utorrent a much more resource efficient client?
  • Thrawn - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 - link

    uTorrent is the most effichent program but it isn't as nice to work with for some things. Mostly in my experence Azureus is better for hosting files. Anyway for me and my friends both uTorrent and Azureus are interchangeable and I personaly use Azureus but uTorrent is just as good if you don't seed files.
  • saratoga - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 - link

    The PS3 looks rather large.

    I wonder why they didn't give it a more square shape in order to make the best use their volume.
  • angelinalove - Friday, April 3, 2009 - link

  • Marlin1975 - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 - link

    Yea I was about to say the same. As many PS2 fanboys that picked on the first X-Box for being big, I guess being big is ok for sony though. ;)
  • Bladen - Tuesday, May 16, 2006 - link

    Being big is only a small set back.

    It only *really* matters for thoes that have absoluely no space for their home entertainment. If they care that much about entertainment then they should have spent more money on a better set up. If they don't have that kind of money then they will probably be getting a PS3 years down the track when its price drops back into this planets stratosphere and when Sony makes a smaller revision.
  • NT78stonewobble - Thursday, May 18, 2006 - link

    Or people that don't like fuckly things taking up an overly amount of space in the living room?

    Just a thought

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