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  • Flunk - Tuesday, January 4, 2022 - link

    Oh, wonderful. A new non-obvious nomenclature I'll need to explain repeatedly. No a 6800M is not the same as a 6800S. I guess we can just tell them S stands for "Slow".

    What was wrong with using slightly lower numbers like 6790? They have 3 entire digits to express the model, you'd think that would be enough.
  • meacupla - Wednesday, January 5, 2022 - link

    I can kind of see what AMD was trying to do. They wanted to have a Max, Quiet, but not the Max-Q, "Maximum", and "Silent" lineup.
    But they also had their 6000 series APUs to announce, and if AMD had used "H", and "U", which are well established "High power" and "Ultra portable" suffixes on their mobile GPUs, it would have been really confusing to the consumer.

    Like, you'd have a potential laptop with R7 6800H with RX 6800H XT, which would be all kinds of confusing. So, instead AMD decided to use S, and M, to avoid this confusion, but then they seemed to have completely forgotten that they both still use the same 6000 series.

    If I were AMD, I would completely rename their graphics cards from this generation.
    I'd go with something like
    RX 6-85 (165W)
    RX 6-80 (165W)
    RX 6-80 (100W)
    And then the desktop variant can just have a (300W) suffix, so it's easier to see that it offers significantly better performance than the mobile optimized GPUs.
  • blanarahul - Tuesday, January 4, 2022 - link

    So we have 5 new SKUs based on Navi 23 - 6600S, 6700S, 6800S, 6650M and 6650M XT. All this in addition to the 6600M. Jesus what a clusterfuck.
  • CrystalCowboy - Tuesday, January 4, 2022 - link

    6x50M additions - the table says 7nm, but the image says 6nm. Perhaps you could sort that out.
  • Ryan Smith - Tuesday, January 4, 2022 - link

    Only Navi 24 is 6nm.
  • ballsystemlord - Wednesday, January 5, 2022 - link

    All these negative opinions in the comments section! Can't you just be happy AMD are finally going to get serious with producing their GPUs?
    Yes really! If they make more SKUs it logically follows that they will release more chips! So pricing will *finally* come down.
  • Farfolomew - Thursday, January 6, 2022 - link

    Don't the new Ryzen 6000-series mobile CPUs come with 12 CUs? Doesn't that make the Navi 24 discrete GPU rather pointless?

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