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  • qhd - Thursday, December 12, 2019 - link

    So that's $2 billion in revenue from one experimental phone model, in a mere 3 months!
  • Vitor - Thursday, December 12, 2019 - link

    Not really. There is a considerable percentage to the store and such
  • Sahrin - Thursday, December 12, 2019 - link

    ...I don't think you understand what 'revenue' means.

    Even if you wanted to back out the retailer and distributor's cut, that's a *maximum* of 30% (which would be a huge markup for a retailer on a cutting edge piece of hardware - retailers at game console launches, e.g., tend to get less than 5% of the purchase price, counting on peripheral sales to make money) which cuts it to $1.4B. Still very impressive.
  • flyingpants265 - Saturday, December 14, 2019 - link

    Ah, so he was right then, it's not really $2 billion. Haha!
  • Cliff34 - Thursday, December 19, 2019 - link

    Have to keep in mind the blunder when they first released, have to recall, fix, and re-release again. I am sure the set back is costly.

    Though it is impressive for selling one mill units given is so expensive and has so many issues with it.
  • Kishoreshack - Thursday, December 12, 2019 - link

    Even though I couldn't buy I was happy to see disruptive technology
    they risked it & to some extent they got a positive response
    this will encourage them to make a second version which will be even cheaper & better
    hopefully we more companies making more such products
    well that's how the industry will flourish
    make something different from Normal usual boring phones
  • PeachNCream - Friday, December 13, 2019 - link

    “And I think that the point is, we are selling [a] million of these products. There are a million suckers willing to shell out $2,000 in order to upload unsightly selfies to Facebook.”

    Fixed that for ya, Mr. Sohn.
  • web2dot0 - Friday, December 13, 2019 - link

    When are people gonna call out the elephant in the room?

    Samsung tax? 🤣🤣🤣

    Funny how that only applies to Apple huh.
  • Topweasel - Friday, December 13, 2019 - link

    Eh. An experimental proof of concept phone for 2k, vs 1.5 for an extra 256GB of Nand (where I got a 512GB 450MB/s read 375MB/s write USB drive for $40). On of those seems to be a "company tax" and the other seems to be an early adopter fee. Those are generally treated differently.
  • liquid_c - Sunday, December 15, 2019 - link

    Nice way of outlying the details. 1.5K $ for an extra 256gb as opposed to... what? Compared to... what? What are those extra 256gb added to? Or do you mean you have to pay 1.5K for the storage alone? Surely, that isn’t right. Also, NAND, as you so graciously put it, is also incorrect. Apple’s storage solutions have been pretty good and comparable with nowadays’ SSDs. Also, please upload a screenshot of the receipt for that wondrous 256gb, will you? I’m sorry to say but you tried to, graciously i might add, take a huge shit on Apple while defending Samsung (despite their blunders with the Fold’s launch). Also, i’m waiting for that printscreen of the receipt (this is my way of writing to you that i think you’re full of c*ap and a liar but hey, at least i was gracious about it, wasn’t i?).
  • liquid_c - Sunday, December 15, 2019 - link

    Is also “misleading” instead of “incorrect”. This really needs an edit button :-(.
  • Korguz - Sunday, December 15, 2019 - link

    liquid_c he's not wrong.. the price difference between X size vs Y size on the apple phones is a lot more then the chip it self would cost apple. the cost difference between a 256 gig card vs 512 is about 30 bucks for the same family, and the 512 gig is $150 in this case Patriot EP, as thats the only manufacturer that has a 512 gig card at the store i checked, so prices may differ. but for an iphone 11 pro the difference between the 256 gig and 512 gig versions is 285. so how does apple justify the extra 130 bucks ???
  • plopke - Friday, December 13, 2019 - link

    This news might not be correct according to samsung themself , somethign went wrong.
  • vladx - Saturday, December 14, 2019 - link

    Yep that's only the sales target, someone from Samsung Marketing though he could spin it without getting caught.
  • s.yu - Saturday, December 14, 2019 - link

    Yeah spin it vlad, spin it. That's daily business at Huawei Marketing.
  • Ryan Smith - Saturday, December 14, 2019 - link

    Something went very wrong...

    Thank you for the heads up!
  • boozed - Sunday, December 15, 2019 - link

  • CoD511 - Tuesday, December 17, 2019 - link

    Are people truly not capable of considering R&D costs?
  • kitchen hood cleaning - Thursday, February 13, 2020 - link

    Wow... Yeah i have years of experienced with same tehcnology really good quality

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