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  • ikjadoon - Tuesday, April 2, 2019 - link

    Kingston's rated operating hours:

    32GB – 5,000 hours (2 year warranty)
    64GB – 10,000 hours (2 year warranty)
    128GB – 20,000 hours (2 year warranty)

    From the press release. This ^ is probably key data for this article...

    Samsung's high endurance cards are, on the face of it, lasting longer with longer warranties.

    32GB -- 17,520 hours (2 year warranty)
    64GB -- 26,280 hours (3 year warranty)
    128GB -- 43,800 hours (5 year warranty)

    And the pricing is excellent: the Samsung 64GB card is only $18 on Amazon.

    ** Samsung is rated at 1080p @ 26Mbps. No idea what Kingston's using.
  • timecop1818 - Wednesday, April 3, 2019 - link

    > Furthermore, they are protected against X-ray exposure according to ISO7816-1 guidelines.

    I'm pretty sure you've got a wrong standard here. 7816-1 is about SmartCards:
  • patel21 - Friday, April 5, 2019 - link

    Reading "Endurance" In the heading I thought wow more writes than the normal cards. /facepalm

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