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  • Sttm - Wednesday, March 6, 2019 - link

    If 5G means my phone has to be over a foot long, I'll pass.
  • Xajel - Thursday, March 7, 2019 - link

    It's just their new design is Ultrawide, see their Xperia 1 & Xperia 10 both have 21:9 Ultrawide screens.
  • piroroadkill - Thursday, March 7, 2019 - link

    Yeah, I find it hilarious that phones have gotten bigger and bigger, but now they're already so wide that they're not that great to hold - so the response has simply been to change the aspect ratio. Hey, there's space to expand at the top of the phone, so that's where we'll keep making the goddamn thing bigger. I'm tired of it. It's almost comical.
  • GreenReaper - Thursday, March 7, 2019 - link

    As always, Apple was there first:
  • khanikun - Friday, March 8, 2019 - link

    Ya, would be nice if they shrunk down the length by an inch. I'd go for it then. I like the overall design though. No camera bump and fairly square. I prefer the old Xperia Z5 or older shape. I have a Xperia XZ1 now and I don't like the rounded edges.

    Was going to stop buying Sony phones, since I didn't want to touch the XZ2 or XZ3. At least they reverted back to the older design, although in a weird longer size.
  • cosmotic - Wednesday, March 6, 2019 - link

    I'd buy it only because it doesn't look like all other phones.
  • Flunk - Wednesday, March 6, 2019 - link

    Anyone who posts here saying they need 5G, include what you're doing that you need it for. I'm genuinely curious and can't think of anything other than real-time high-res on location streaming (most people don't do that).
  • khanikun - Thursday, March 7, 2019 - link

    Some ppl tether their phones to their computers. I did that a lot when I was living out of hotels for work. Any speed increase is welcomed.

    Only using the mobile device, I personally have no idea. I'm sure some people out there would make use of it on a mobile device, I'm not one of them though.
  • BurntMyBacon - Thursday, March 7, 2019 - link

    I NEED 5G ... for chest thumping. How am I supposed to demonstrate my mobile communications superiority with an outdated 4G phone? While I'm at it, it needs to double as a TV ..., but still fit comfortably in my somewhat shallow pockets when I need it to.


    Yeah. I got nothin.
  • PeachNCream - Wednesday, March 6, 2019 - link

    That thing looks like a dachshund. It's the wiener dog of the smartphone world.
  • gmskking - Thursday, March 7, 2019 - link

    That phone is simply not long enough.

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