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  • imaheadcase - Wednesday, November 7, 2018 - link

    Oh good, price increases because of some airhead in office.
  • scumofscotland - Wednesday, November 7, 2018 - link

    Oh good, a poster who is driven only by short term gain... sort of like the policies that have lead us to being economically hollowed out. I don't know if tariffs will ultimately achieve the desired goal but we as a society need to be willing to accept that we need to make changes and those may have consequences. I for one want to try change and if it fails then try something else because I know our current path is a dead end.
  • justskot - Wednesday, November 7, 2018 - link

    Great point! Fortunately, there are numerous studies about the effect of tarrifs, most of which state that tarrifs are ultimately detrimental to the economy.

    I encourage you to read up on them!
  • mr. president - Wednesday, November 7, 2018 - link

    As much as I hate to delve into politics, tariffs are neither all good nor all bad. My own country has its fair share of them and they do help protect the industries (farming, mainly) that benefit from them.

    I don't have any strong opinions on Trump but I don't think tariffs are the worst thing he's done. I think it's a surprisingly socialist policy for the Republican party to adopt and quite strange how many 'socialist' Democrats oppose it. I would have thought it were the other way around.
  • The True Morbus - Wednesday, November 7, 2018 - link

    As long as taxes are cut for the rich and only for the rich, there is no argument about "hollowing out the economy" that will hold.
  • CaedenV - Thursday, November 8, 2018 - link

    The common misunderstanding of american politics is that we have a 'right wing' and a 'left wing' when really we have 2 parties that seemingly threw darts at a list of issues and have somehow decided that they will die on their sword to defend those arbitrary issues, and do anything they can to stop the other side from obtaining any amount of success on their issues.
    Both parties use conservative and liberal moves to get their way because what matters is the money that flows in from supporters, not working for the best interest of the country or its people. Makes me sick.
  • Alistair - Wednesday, November 7, 2018 - link

    Except that he is using tariffs in response to chinese trade barriers, not just for the sake of tariffs alone. It's more about increasing your negotiating position. Barriers were/are being dropped against Canada and EU and Mexico already after negotiation.
  • TheinsanegamerN - Thursday, November 8, 2018 - link cant talk against the narrative of orangemanbad, you'll upset the NPCs.
  • Oxford Guy - Thursday, November 8, 2018 - link

    Just because Trump may be doing one thing that is somewhat rational doesn't negate the rest of what he is doing.

    Plus, a "trade war" with China is rather a farce since China is the one buying our debt. They're apparently supplying us with the credit card that our wealthy are living on.

    The US is the world's most indebted nation. Japan is, again, the leading creditor, followed by Germany and China. If you don't think that's an extremely deplorable situation for what is supposed to be the world's superpower...

    Trump is a terrible person and a laughingstock. The corruption of the Clintons, Obama, Nixon, Reagan, W, and others won't change that. As far as his historical ranking, my view is that he is the worst president we've had since Wilson and the most idiotic in temperament we have ever had.

    Trade imbalances certainly should be corrected but living off of the Chinese credit card while trying to be tough on their unfair trade policy isn't particularly effective.
  • vext - Monday, November 12, 2018 - link

    Wrong, and you are expressing typical Leftist Progressive fake views.

    A trade war with China is not a farce. China has indulged in extremely unfair trading practices for years. Uncontrolled competition from Korea and China have decimate American industry. Trump is absolutely correct to confront them.

    China is NOT the one buying all our debt.
    - "The U.S. debt to China is $1.17 trillion as of August 2018. That's 19 percent of the $6.3 trillion in Treasury bills, notes, and bonds held by foreign countries. The rest of the $21 trillion national debt is owned by either the American people or by the U.S. government itself. "

    The US is NOT the world's most indebted nation. You need to look at the per capita debt, not the total debt.

    Trump is not a terrible person or a laughing stock. Trump won white women by 9-points (52 percent to 43 percent). He won white men by 32 percent (63 percent vs 31 percent).

    You obviously hate the White race. LOL, good luck with that. Your racist hatred explains why you characterize Trump as a terrible person. But you need to understand that within the white community, Trump is highly respected and even loved. Trump has never expressed any racial preferences, and is not a white supremacist or even a white advocate. But the White community sees him as good because he promotes a MERIT based system instead of the present affirmative action system which strongly discriminates against whites, especially white men.

    FDR was the worst US president of the 20th century, far worse than Wilson. Wilson didn't start WW1, he only brought the US into it. FDR, more than anyone, was responsible for creating the conditions for WW2. Neither Hitler nor the Japan wanted anything to do with a war with the four world super powers: US, Great Britain, France, and the USSR. Yet, thanks to the machinations of FDR, Churchill, and a cabal of transnational elites, these two small nations were dragged kicking and screaming into a conflict that shook the entire world.

    One of the most disturbing photos of all time is that of FDR, Churchill and Stalin at the Yalta conference. They knew Soviet leaders had killed over 20 million ethnic Russians before WW2 even started, and were directly responsible for exporting Communism all over the world, especially to China where another 40 million died. Yet FDR had the unmitigated perversity to call Stalin 'Papa Joe'. FDR and Churchill both supported the Soviet annexation of most of Eastern Europe, raising no objections as millions up on millions were sucked into the Communist nightmare.

    Use your brain next time instead of reading Liberal tripe.
  • Samus - Thursday, November 8, 2018 - link

    As justskot said, there are numerous examples throughout history dating back to the BC-era of the negative effect "tariffs" or a tax on import goods has on the economy in the long run.

    The idea of the United States "winning" a trade war is preposterous considering no nation has ever won a trade war in history. Ever. There are no winners. Everyone loses. Every economist that studied at a legitimate school knows this.
  • TheinsanegamerN - Thursday, November 8, 2018 - link

    So should we allow other countries to put tariffs on our products and just take it? Perhaps you are willing to sacrifice your economy, but I and many americans are not.
  • porcupineLTD - Thursday, November 8, 2018 - link

    So american consumers have to pay more for the same product, a Taiwanese company becomes less competitive, all the while there is no american PSU company to compete with said Taiwanese company so... a huge win for the US and incredible loss for China! keep MAGA!
  • CaedenV - Thursday, November 8, 2018 - link

    lol, yep.
    Terrifs are only remotely good when you are protecting an industry. But where is our electronics industry that produces motherbaords, PSUs, GPUs, etc. ?
    I think the idea is that these terrifs are to somehow hurt China because of all of the goods we import, and as payback for IP stolen in other industries (like solar)... but the problem with this thinking is that it fails to recognize that China has been investing in the new silk road to make exports ever cheaper to Europe, India, and Africa... they don't need us to do well in exports anymore as we are no longer the bulk of their exports.
    Secondly, With China's growing middle and upper class, they are less reliant on imports in the first place. They are almost in a position to have a functional internal economy for the first time ever, and if they don't need exports to keep themselves rolling, then just imagine what happens to the rest of the world if they start to scale down.
  • bcronce - Thursday, November 8, 2018 - link

    If you're going to try change, at least read a history book on what not to do. Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.
  • wilsonkf - Friday, July 12, 2019 - link

    Long story short: taxed the companies who earn profit from US people, not products, and everything will be fine.
  • Chriz - Wednesday, November 7, 2018 - link

    Interesting, I thought Seasonic was based in Taiwan, so I would have thought they'd produce their power supplies there, not in China.
  • limitedaccess - Wednesday, November 7, 2018 - link

    They do have production facilities in Taiwan but the bulk of production facilities for all those Taiwanese companies (not counting the fabs) is in China.

    The bulk of computer and electronics manufacturing is done in China regardless of the country the company is based in.

    You know for example Foxconn is also a Taiwanese company yet the bulk news reports you've probably heard of it are it being associated with China.
  • StrangerGuy - Wednesday, November 7, 2018 - link

    Speaking of Foxconn, they just scammed $4.5B off taxpayers in subsidies to build an completely obsolete Gen6 LCD plant, and now they are talking about using Chinese mainlanders to man said plant.

    But hey, tariff-free, non gubmint intervention free market, proudly made in America manufacturing amirite? Dimwitted Americans and Trump really deserves each other.
  • travisty - Thursday, November 8, 2018 - link

    sadly the majority of Americans suffer due to said dumbness =(
  • bunnyfubbles - Thursday, November 8, 2018 - link

    living in the greatest country on earth during the peak of human existence sure is suffering
  • TheinsanegamerN - Thursday, November 8, 2018 - link

    Funnily enough, it seems to be the "enlightened", super smart democrats that are constantly upset, angry, and depressed because they didnt get their way, while those "suffering" dumb Americans are doing well in the booming economy and are enjoying a resurgence of middle class income.
  • Despoiler - Thursday, November 8, 2018 - link

    I think you misunderstand why "super smart democrats that are constantly upset, angry, and depressed". Hint: it's not the economy. Obama saved the US economy from a halfwit Republican and put us where we are now. It's because we now have a corrupt halfwit in the office of President that doesn't care for the rule of law, common decency, or anyone, but himself and his family. Constantly having to save the country from morons is tiring.
  • FullmetalTitan - Thursday, November 8, 2018 - link

    Get back to kissing that orange baboon ass. You know damn well that his primary opposition is from the millions who would prefer their country not slip into a fascist dictatorship that rounds up anyone different into camps while funneling money from the poor and sick into the pockets of the hyper rich.
  • Samus - Thursday, November 8, 2018 - link

    Yep, they totally screwed Wisconsin. MAGA!

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