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  • deil - Friday, October 12, 2018 - link

    perfect. now if ANY company would be so kind to share what storge they have
  • Dragonstongue - Friday, October 12, 2018 - link

    800/550 read/writ but "only" 50/25k random read/write seems quirky as heck and no mention of TBW data is not so good.

    but the R/W speeds if they could/will package this in a fashion for SATA based SSD or M.2 "budget" with those speeds at a reasonable price would be nice...hopefully they have sorted out their many "teething" issues as many of the blue or black SSD coming from WD are nowhere near the real world calibre expected (given the price) compared to equally large companies who seem to have nowhere near the same "issues"
  • sid1712 - Friday, October 12, 2018 - link

    "Western Digital has announced its new lineup of UFS 2.1-based embedded storage devices for smartphones, tablets, PCs, and other mobile applications"

    For phones and tablets, this should be more than enough. I don't really think UFS storage is used in PC/laptops
  • Samus - Sunday, October 14, 2018 - link

    keep in mind iops are low on emmc and inand because they generally have controllers with 1-2 channels
  • PeachNCream - Monday, October 15, 2018 - link

    There are a fair number of ultra low-budget laptops and Chromebooks that use eMMC even slower than something like this. I wouldn't be surprised to see 32GB flavors soldered to < $250 laptop mainboards.

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