Finally, they've fixed that annoying volume control thing. That is years overdue! Now if there was a non-advertisement laden way of blocking text spammers that send from things that aren't actual phone numbers.
all the "new features" that users of older hardware should have had in the first place such as idle battery usage or whatever they want to call it.
so my poor moto G4 Play suffers a crud load of constant background processes chewing up battery life because they were "too smart" to sort out the idea of "hey why don't we minimize battery usage for non active tasks, better yet, lets make sure they only use memory when actually being in priority usage"
so, folks have to take the chance on upgrading to a "new" android version and hoping is better than the old version to only find out instead they basically have to relearn everything they spent months fine tuning, to know where everything is, to adjust color palettes, to "optimize battery use" to disable certain things they know were battery hogs, to just get used to a volume boosting app etc
just so that they (Google/Android) and basically make them start over from fresh with no easy "restore" feature if the OS "upgrade" was not as good as they were expecting it to be, a few hundred mb would not be so hard to have a portion of the multiple gb of available memory set aside for backup/restore with one click.
oh yeh, that only counts if you just happen to be fortunate enough to have a provider that is willing/wanting to give new OS update/upgrades because of botched ones, i.e Moto going from "marshmallow" or whatever they wanted to call version 6 to nougat 7.1.1 which cause multiple issues unless you manually disable and turn off nearly everything to try to conserve battery life.
so basically, they "promise" to fix battery life usage in the "next update" which very few people beyond those buying brand spanking new multiple hundred dollar "smartphones" will have access to in likely about 1 year from now, then all the makers will be rushed to support the "next major Android version"
BS on them...sadly we really do not have much choice do we, iOS or Android both of whom seem to pull the same stupid moves, Android is "mostly better" but is not that far off from being douches about what they do and what they stand for IMO.
I recently got an Essential, and I'm happy to say I downloaded my first ever Android updates! I can't believe others have been so bad about this for so many years.
I was gonna say, surely they took after WebOS for the gesture based multitasking, not iOS. Google just hopped on the train that Palm started and iOS hopped onto as well.
My browser on my phone crashes on this article unless I disable loading images under the bandwidth controls. It's an old Android KitKat device with the stock (non-Chrome) browser. On the other hand, Linux Mint with Firefox and a newer Marshmallow phone's non-Chrome stock browser both have no such problems.
So...the link to the article, and the title of the article, both mention something called "Shush Mode", but the article itself, nor the linked Google blog post, make no mention thereof. What gives?
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PeachNCream - Tuesday, May 8, 2018 - link
Finally, they've fixed that annoying volume control thing. That is years overdue! Now if there was a non-advertisement laden way of blocking text spammers that send from things that aren't actual phone numbers.Dragonstongue - Tuesday, May 8, 2018 - link
all the "new features" that users of older hardware should have had in the first place such as idle battery usage or whatever they want to call my poor moto G4 Play suffers a crud load of constant background processes chewing up battery life because they were "too smart" to sort out the idea of "hey why don't we minimize battery usage for non active tasks, better yet, lets make sure they only use memory when actually being in priority usage"
so, folks have to take the chance on upgrading to a "new" android version and hoping is better than the old version to only find out instead they basically have to relearn everything they spent months fine tuning, to know where everything is, to adjust color palettes, to "optimize battery use" to disable certain things they know were battery hogs, to just get used to a volume boosting app
just so that they (Google/Android) and basically make them start over from fresh with no easy "restore" feature if the OS "upgrade" was not as good as they were expecting it to be, a few hundred mb would not be so hard to have a portion of the multiple gb of available memory set aside for backup/restore with one click.
oh yeh, that only counts if you just happen to be fortunate enough to have a provider that is willing/wanting to give new OS update/upgrades because of botched ones, i.e Moto going from "marshmallow" or whatever they wanted to call version 6 to nougat 7.1.1 which cause multiple issues unless you manually disable and turn off nearly everything to try to conserve battery life.
so basically, they "promise" to fix battery life usage in the "next update" which very few people beyond those buying brand spanking new multiple hundred dollar "smartphones" will have access to in likely about 1 year from now, then all the makers will be rushed to support the "next major Android version"
BS on them...sadly we really do not have much choice do we, iOS or Android both of whom seem to pull the same stupid moves, Android is "mostly better" but is not that far off from being douches about what they do and what they stand for IMO.
0ldman79 - Wednesday, May 9, 2018 - link
I thought this was going to be an "android sucks, apple rules" rant.Glad to see it wasn't.
I agree on all points.
Lord of the Bored - Friday, May 11, 2018 - link
Android sucks, so does Apple. Everything is terrible.Dr. Swag - Tuesday, May 8, 2018 - link
I'm having this web page crash on me whenever I reach the part with the gifs. IPad air 2 on Google Chrome if it helps.Ryan Smith - Wednesday, May 9, 2018 - link
Hmm. They're just standard GIFs, straight from Google even. I'm at a loss for why you'd be crashing, as iOS is plenty capable of handling those...jimjamjamie - Wednesday, May 9, 2018 - link
"Nokia, Vivo, OnePlus, Xiaomi, Sony, Essential, & Oppo"A Google-endorsed list of OEM's that actually give a sh*t about updating your phone. I'll be keeping that in mind.
mkozakewich - Friday, May 11, 2018 - link
I recently got an Essential, and I'm happy to say I downloaded my first ever Android updates! I can't believe others have been so bad about this for so many years.jvl - Wednesday, May 9, 2018 - link
Finally, Matias Duarte is taking a look at multitasking :-/This should have been ported into Android straight from WebOS in 2009 ( )
Freakie - Wednesday, May 9, 2018 - link
I was gonna say, surely they took after WebOS for the gesture based multitasking, not iOS. Google just hopped on the train that Palm started and iOS hopped onto as well.PeachNCream - Wednesday, May 9, 2018 - link
My browser on my phone crashes on this article unless I disable loading images under the bandwidth controls. It's an old Android KitKat device with the stock (non-Chrome) browser. On the other hand, Linux Mint with Firefox and a newer Marshmallow phone's non-Chrome stock browser both have no such problems.phobos512 - Wednesday, May 9, 2018 - link
So...the link to the article, and the title of the article, both mention something called "Shush Mode", but the article itself, nor the linked Google blog post, make no mention thereof. What gives?Poik - Thursday, May 10, 2018 - link
Maybe it's the face-down thing? I always put my phone face-down... bad experience with a heavy object and face-up that resulted in costly repairs...I wish there was a Weekend and Weekday option for DnD. My wife would very much appreciate my phone sleeping in with me.