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  • wumpus - Monday, March 19, 2018 - link

    My understanding is that ray tracing isn't and hasn't been the best way to render things for some time, but takes far less "special casing" than the best methods.

    In other words, it will make Indie/Unity games look "almost AAA" level, but don't count on them being quite there. If it works (and works reasonably well on nvidia (or consoles), we will hopefully see more interesting indie works.

    That or AAA games won't look as good but suddenly be wildly more profitable for publishers. Actually I'd count on that second bit a lot more (if it works well enough on consoles, which I'm not really expecting).
  • Egg - Tuesday, March 20, 2018 - link

    Best in what aspect? AFAIK, for pure visual quality, ray tracing (and similar algorithms, like the ones here are still the best. They're fundamentally different than the rasterization approach used in games

    Which other methods do you have in mind that are better?
  • Zizy - Tuesday, March 20, 2018 - link

    Pure naive ray tracing is crap, lacking quality and speed. Existing rasterization hacks are faster yet look better than such ray tracing ever could.
    A few additions to get modern ray tracing that can at least handle soft shadows (say by using beams instead of individual rays) ... and now we are talking. Potential to have near perfect quality for 99% of cases, but it is even slower and I guess it will never make sense for games - except in addition to another method.

    But you still have issues with oil on water, for which you need TMM or such. Then you have butterfly wings, requiring FEM/FDTD/, maybe want to add some physical scattering and again you need other methods to calculate scattering from that ...
    Fortunately at least nonlinear effects can be safely ignored - if you are looking at such light, you won't for long.
  • SlyNine - Sunday, March 25, 2018 - link

    Yaaa... No. Look at something like Cycles. It's not real time, hell one image can take 5 hours. But it looks a HELL of a lot better than any rasterization.

    If you want physically accurate materials, lighting, etc. You need ray tracing. But the biggest advantage, and the one they will be pushing for will be reflections.
  • Targon - Wednesday, August 15, 2018 - link

    You make the mistake that what ray tracing lacks quality. True ray tracing will always provide the best quality, but due to the speed(or lack of it), it has not been useful for real time animation. Anything that reduces quality will of course, improve the performance, but at the expense of not making ray tracing all that useful.

    As GPU technology improves, the potential grows for making ray tracing useful for real time tasks. We are still decades away from that, but it is there. The key is still to provide an API so that different hardware methods can be used/attempted and not need to have software specifically written for one vendors implementation.
  • mr_tawan - Tuesday, March 20, 2018 - link

    Sounds like AMD, and Microsoft + Nvidia didn't talk to each other...
  • Zizy - Tuesday, March 20, 2018 - link

    Sounds like they did and AMD didn't like the way discussion went :)
  • SydneyBlue120d - Tuesday, March 20, 2018 - link

    I'm really curious to know if and what level of support Ryzen APU will provide...
  • lucam - Thursday, March 22, 2018 - link

    PowerVR has implemented that much earlier and in a more effective way..

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