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  • willis936 - Monday, March 19, 2018 - link

    Are these the same neural network edge detection algorithms made/used by the scholar and hobbyist spaces?
  • Ryan Smith - Monday, March 19, 2018 - link

    It can be. WinML supports models from several different frameworks.
  • CheapSushi - Tuesday, March 20, 2018 - link

    While we're at it, MS, please bring back DirectSound3D for true sound hardware acceleration. :(
    This is when soundcards truly died (with EAX). I miss when audio wasn't a second (well, third class) citizen and there was more to it than just fidelity (which is why people get bogged down by DAC/AMP discussions). Soundscapes used to have a real-time ray tracing like implementation too, with materials having different properties for sound refraction, bounce, absorption, etc. Only a few AAA really try to bring out this soundscape aspect now for fuller immersion since most sound is just "good enough / close enough" emulation and fairly respectively basic now in most game engines.
  • WatcherCK - Wednesday, March 21, 2018 - link

    Once game titles make more use of directML are we going to see a resurgence in dual gpu gaming setups but instead of both gpus being used for rendering have one for render (gpu major) and one for compute (gpu minor) as in you add a cheaper 1050/560 gpu just for compute?

    Or can existing gpus pipeline graphics and compute requests transparently... ?

    Hah Im not an expert obviously, but just grew up adding boards into PCs to fulfill a specific function :)
  • BigMamaInHouse - Wednesday, January 16, 2019 - link

    So Radeon7 gonna support this and also Vega offers 2X FP16 performance + Fury/Polaris offer 1:1 FP16 while NV pascal offers only 1:64 FP performance- looks like Vega and old AMD GPU's gonna get even better in 2019 with DiretML while on NV only the Turing Cards gonna be relevant!
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