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  • peevee - Monday, December 11, 2017 - link

    Why bother when there is BT LE?
  • Twobits - Monday, December 11, 2017 - link

    Zwave uses a different frequency and does not interfere with wifi.
  • Wrywryryry - Monday, December 11, 2017 - link

    Zwave is a mesh system, it's better designed for people who want full home automation, as individual components can work without being in range of your phone or a base station. Instead, all hardwired Zwave devices pass along signals from devices that are far out of any bluetooth le range.
  • risa2000 - Tuesday, December 12, 2017 - link

    Z-Wave uses sub 1GHz band, while ZigBee uses 2.4GHz (as wifi and BT). This is one advantage of Z-Wave, lower power consumption, better penetration and lesser interference (until everyone has one in his smart home).

    The other advantage of Z-Wave is that it defines also the application protocol on top of the wireless. So technically two Z-Wave device are interoperable out of the box. While with ZigBee everyone still has to implement the app layer. So we have different "propriatery" systems based on ZigBee (e.g. Tradfri from IKEA) which are not interoperable.

    I was setting my Z-Wave hub one week ago and I was wondering why would someone starting with the smart homing consider anything else. This is smart move from Silicon Labs.

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