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  • osxandwindows - Friday, April 28, 2017 - link

    Sounds like the surface studio was not a roaring success as the media hyped it up to be.
  • PseudoKnight - Saturday, April 29, 2017 - link


    "although the Surface Studio was announced in October, that is a very niche device and it would be unfair to think it would play a big part in sales."

    You can still be excited by a niche product if you fit that niche. We shouldn't discourage niche devices just because it doesn't fit our usage patterns.

    That said, I wish W10 had hurt them a little more. I hate how they handled that. It's like they're trying to destroy the last measly bit of trust anyone has in them.
  • Socius - Saturday, April 29, 2017 - link

    Windows 10 was a move they needed to make. Because the "windows as a service" model means no more market fragmentation. All new features go out to all windows users. Including security. Or things like dx12. It'll make it easier for them to push certain technologies.
  • MutualCore - Monday, May 1, 2017 - link

    Yet if you read all the web sites, everyone hates Windows 10 and loves Linux.
  • baka_toroi - Friday, April 28, 2017 - link

    I can't believe this shit company is still growing. For fucks sake, their products are all buggy pieces of shit. How come there isn't a competitor up to par with them?
  • darkich - Saturday, April 29, 2017 - link

    In one word, monopoly.
    But karma will catch up with them, as their epic mobile business fail (after destroying Nokia's) has shown.
  • trparky - Saturday, April 29, 2017 - link

    Their products may be buggy but for the most part they still work (most of the time).
  • Dug - Tuesday, May 2, 2017 - link

    Shit company? That explains a lot.
    Not sure if you are aware, all software has bugs.
    Not to mention, all hardware fails.
    Most bugs that affect people are from drivers or 3rd party software, not the OS itself.
  • aebiv - Wednesday, May 3, 2017 - link

    lol k

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