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  • bug77 - Monday, September 12, 2016 - link

    " hindsight it’s a feature that they likely should have added a long time ago, but they didn’t have any sort of distribution system that would have worked for something like a PC game before the Windows 10 Store came along"

    Because God forbid they made Xbox purchases available on Steam. Reinventing the wheel is so much better. Because reasons.

    (And yes, I'm aware UWP != Steam, but Steam could have filled the gap in case of games)
  • killeak - Monday, September 12, 2016 - link

    Well, a 30% cut is a good reason.
  • cygnus1 - Monday, September 12, 2016 - link

    Absolutely this. It always comes down to money.
  • aliquis - Monday, September 12, 2016 - link

    Just make it Humble bundle style where I can choose whom to pay.

    Or make the Steam cut 0% and make it a paid for service (I guess the best consumer option is if they could share, say Steam got 15% for providing the service and Microsoft got 15% for the sale or wise-versa whatever you want to call it / is it for.)
  • brucethemoose - Monday, September 19, 2016 - link

    FYI Microsoft can't just tell Valve what to do.
  • aliquis - Monday, September 12, 2016 - link

    They could likely agree on something. But of course depending on who they think would get the money eventually. But it would make sense for Microsoft to simple grab that market because Google and Apple have theirs.

    Anyway, the Microsoft UWP games would likely be a bit more popular and sell a bit more on Steam and Valve would likely prefer if Microsoft didn't started to pull their customers so ... One solution would of course be to just offer the games 30% more expensive on Steam and then let the customer decide if having it on Steam was worth it.
  • damianrobertjones - Monday, September 12, 2016 - link

    Some of us no longer wish for Valve to be our overlords. Gabe'n threw a fit when Windows 8 hit the scene and added a whole load of FUD.

    P.s. Where's HL 3?
  • The Garden Variety - Monday, September 12, 2016 - link

    Seriously, F-Valve. The sloppy nerd love that company gets is completely undeserved. They're far more capricious and predatory than Microsoft has ever been. Oh, but they give away games every summer so that's all forgiven. Stupid. We all just become so stupid as long as we can get something for cheap. Money indeed.
  • Samus - Monday, September 12, 2016 - link

    I guess that's why steam had more indie dev games than every other platform combined?
  • Alexvrb - Monday, September 12, 2016 - link

    It's also got the most early release messes and half-finished titles. Anyway I'm sure the volume of indie games on Steam has *nothing* to do with the fact that they have a near-monopoly on digital distribution of PC games. That wouldn't be like, you know, the reason or anything.
  • althaz - Monday, September 12, 2016 - link

    As long as you don't count iOS or Android you mean?
  • aliquis - Monday, September 12, 2016 - link

    To be fair I wish we had .. What was it called? The indie store one? Which is dead now ..
    Anyway. I wish the Greenlit CRAP wasn't on Steam.
    I would be fine with them calling it "Steam Gold" for the very popular stuff, Steam Silver for older stuff and slightly lower ranked stuff, Steam Bronze for most of the rest and then .. Steam Paper or whatever for the Greenlit key giveaway spam shovel-ware trash.
  • bug77 - Tuesday, September 13, 2016 - link

    You're probably thinking Impulse, from Stardock. Gog is filling that gap now (and is my go to store).
  • aliquis - Monday, September 12, 2016 - link

    The good thing is that it was what everyone else used.
    Now I use it because of bundles but they could of course had used whatever.
    GOG would technically possibly had been the best option but since it has so little content ..
  • Michael Bay - Tuesday, September 13, 2016 - link

    Since current games are trash, GOG library is a goddamn goldmine.
  • bug77 - Monday, September 12, 2016 - link

    Put the hate aside for a moment and read my argument.
    The author says Microsoft couldn't have offered this feature before, I said I disagree.

    And I have no special love for Steam, I don't even have a Steam account.
  • Alexvrb - Monday, September 12, 2016 - link

    Maybe but it would have been a mess if they tried to shoehorn it into their older platforms. They were right to wait until they had better UWP and Store support for full PC titles. It isn't perfect but it's decent and the syncing works well.
  • bug77 - Tuesday, September 13, 2016 - link

    All that was required was for Steam to let you redeem an Xbox code and some tag telling you which games were cross-platform. I don't see any mess.
  • inighthawki - Tuesday, September 13, 2016 - link

    I imagine the bigger issue is for piracy concerns - how to ensure that you don't unlock the key on steam and give the xbox key to your friend. You need to coordinate between the two services steam and xbox live) to ensure that the same key is not used simultaneously.
  • Alexvrb - Tuesday, September 13, 2016 - link

    It's silly to use a competitor's service. Who pays for the Steam key? Valve wants their cut too. No, the most logical option is to make it all in-house. Also makes synchronization easier for saves, achievements, etc. They can also share the majority of the code this way.

    Also developers have to opt-in on this. Some developers will NOT get on board, if you want it on PC and Xbox, you're paying twice. Anyway while I see play anywhere as being pretty nice, it's not must-have for me.

    inighthawki: This is true to some degree. I suspect they would have to link an MS account to a Steam account. Either way, in-house is a lot easier.
  • kgersen - Monday, September 12, 2016 - link

    it's more related to security and how to avoid 2 people sharing the same licence (one on a PC, one on the XB1).
    To do that you need a single account/identity system that work on both platforms plus security/DRM on the PC side which UWP provides.
    You can't do that with Steam unless you make Steam compatible with XB1 that is allowing Valve to because a defacto distributor for the XB1...
  • kgersen - Monday, September 12, 2016 - link

    typo: "Valve to become" not "Valve to because"
  • aliquis - Monday, September 12, 2016 - link

    Surely Microsoft could do their DRM thing in Windows even if you launched the game from Steam.
  • WinterCharm - Sunday, September 18, 2016 - link

    Why would microsoft give up 30% of their xbox title sales to steam? of course they weren't going to do this before they had their own windows app store in place.
  • lilmoe - Monday, September 12, 2016 - link

    I hope the concept catches on, and we get lots of titles. I also hope this marks the slow death of stand alone consoles; where gamers can actually choose their hardware. Just like "Tablet Mode", there should also be "Console Mode" to further optimize Windows 10 for the living room (making it identical to the XBox experience).

    But why DX11?? I understand they need to make titles or accessible, but they should also be more future proof, and more inline with the "console experience".
  • damianrobertjones - Monday, September 12, 2016 - link

    Probably too late in the cycle to add support for DX12.

    I've said it for years that MS needs to release a version of Windows that's a flat out bare bones version (Which you can add stuff whenever you like).
  • lilmoe - Monday, September 12, 2016 - link

    They really should, especially since they "barely" make money in hardware. This doesn't mean they should stop selling XBox consoles, but they should have performance tiers, each with a well defined set of minimum requirements and certified hardware/drivers. Every launch of a new XBox should signify a new tier of performance. Game developers should optimize for a particular tier just like they do directly for a console. Everyone wins.
  • powerarmour - Monday, September 12, 2016 - link

    I'd probably pay more for a 'Windows 10 Basic' with all the bloatware stripped out.
  • Michael Bay - Tuesday, September 13, 2016 - link

    Some kind of TV mode in 10 certainly would be nice. Would be great to lay down the wireless kb and just use joystick to watch a movie or something.
  • Morawka - Monday, September 12, 2016 - link

    Sony is in deep trouble, they have lost sight of what gamers want. No 4K Blu ray player, no native backwards compatibility, underpowered PS4Pro and PSVR.

    Crossplatform is just icing on the cake for microsoft. And xbox ones can be had for $200 nowadays. A lot PS4 diehards are buying xbox one's due to the cheaper price/bill of materials. The exclusives are so much better as well.. I know i sound like a xbox fanboy, but i believe gamers are genuinely interested in what microsoft is offering. Even PCMR gamers.
  • Samus - Monday, September 12, 2016 - link

    The PS4 isn't underpowered, and gamers don't care about 4K bluray. Where Sony screwed up is making another PS4 model twice as powerful. It's so much of an upgrade it will alienate their userbase unlike Microsoft who simply made an incrementally more powerful Xbox One that will only enable select graphic features as it isn't powerful enough to do anything else over the OG XBox One.

    Let's be clear though. I despise microsofts entry into the gaming industry, mostly because my Xbox 360 like thousands of others, was banned via false positive for modification in 2009, in my case because I was simply using a modified USB hard disk firmware to run home brew. It should be clear this did not modify the console or its software in anyway and was simply a peripheral, and what they did was highly illegal as they corrupted the date on the hard drive in addition to the system drive and operating system features as part of the crippling ban.

    Fuck Microsoft. Had this ben any other company doing such blatant destruction of private property, they would be out of business and in prison.
  • Alexvrb - Monday, September 12, 2016 - link

    Oh that explains a lot. You had a modded unit. Yeah those can be used for bad purposes too. If you're only running homebrew, I'd say don't connect to XBL. Get a second unit cheap for that. Sony would have probably banned you too, after they de-Linuxed their boxes - if only they could figure out how. Sony has been pro-DRM and anti-mod, but fortunately their software side is weak and a Sharpie is sometimes good enough to deal with their best efforts.
  • Morawka - Monday, September 12, 2016 - link

    "Xbox One that will only enable select graphic features as it isn't powerful enough to do anything else over the OG XBox One."

    Scorpio will have brand new CPU Cores based on the AMD Zen architecture, in addtion to 10 Tflops of GPU power. It is a next generation console, not a xbox one plus. There will be exclusives to Scorpio, however all xbox one games will be compatible with scorpio. Sony on the other hand, is using a 5 year old CPU architecutre in the PS4 Pro. These CPU cores have very low IPC, and it really limits how well it can feed the 4.8Tflop GPU. PS4 pro will be out this xmas, so it will be the fastest console for around a year.. Then it will be the slowest console for the next 3-4 years since scorpio will be out.

    Gamers do care about HDR and 4K. the Xbox One S, (release last month) already has better media capabilities than sony's PS4 Pro that's not even out. And Sony even owns part of the Blu Ray Spec. This is a total screwup on sony's part. Additionally, Sony is hamstringing the PS4 Pro by having all of these restrictions, so the owners of the original PS4, dont get left behind.

    Microsoft isnt doing that stuff, they dont have to.. It's all backwards compatible, and some games like Halo, will run at native 4K, instead of being upscaled.
  • Alexvrb - Tuesday, September 13, 2016 - link

    I'm half anticipating a PS4 Double Secret Pro(bation?) to launch alongside Scorpio.
  • nikon133 - Sunday, September 18, 2016 - link

    You mentioned in your previous post that you sound like Xbox fanboy... one of the things we agree on ;)

    Scorpio is promising 6TFlops. We don't even know if that is pure GPU or MS pulled one of those PR tricks by summing up both CPU and GPU part of their APU.

    They did that in the past, trying to explain how X1 has higher memory bandwidth by adding bandwidths of DDR3 and ESRAM... scenario that simply is not applicable to real life scenario, as majority of games have proven already.

    I haven't seen any REAL specs about Scorpio's internals. Zen architecture - a link would be nice. All I've seen so far is very poetic MS narrative about highest quality pixels and what not - only a reason more not to take anything they say for granted, until Scorpio is actually out and dissected. Even if based on Zen, it can still end up with some low power, low performance derivative of Zen platform, rather than high-end, enthusiast part.

    On Aug 17, 2016, MS said that Scorpio and Xbox One exist as part of a single ecosystem, but Microsoft will allow for VR games to be exclusive to the new console. There will be no non-VR exclusives on Scorpio. Since X1 is not powerful enough to do VR, this makes sense. Since Scorpio will take time to get into market-share that is interesting for devs to develop for, Sony will build huge VR lead, even with weaker console.

    PS4 Pro will not be slowest console, because original PS4 and PS4s, original Xbox 1 and X1s, and (likely) Nintendo NX will all be slower. And nothing is stopping Sony to release next Playstation within 2 years of Scorpio's release... or a SKU of PS4 Pro with HDBD... but it's irrelevant. Consoles are not bent on pure performance, in fact, most successful consoles in each generation were rarely the most powerful ones. PS1 wasn't. PS2 wasn't. Wii wasn't. PS4 is the first recent one that was, but was also cheaper than competitor, and with more transparent and digestible "rules of engagement" - no on-line requirements, no Kinetic shoved down the throat, no limitations on physical games swapping/reselling. Things like price, release date, EULA policies and exclusives usually do more than power alone.

    HDR will come to all PS4, including original SKU. Actually it already has, with 4.0 update, a few days back.

    Native 4K as a general rule is not guaranteed on Scorpio. Granted it is more powerful and will upscale to 4K from higher starting res on average, but upscale it will. Closest AMD GPU, R9 390X which hits 5.9TFlops, can't really do 4K with framerate sustained at 30fps; not in good looking titles, anyway.
  • powerarmour - Monday, September 12, 2016 - link

    The PS4 has outsold the XB1 2:1, if that's trouble then I'm sure they're well prepared.
  • Michael Bay - Tuesday, September 13, 2016 - link

    And what do they have to show for it? Countless launch delays?

    A time back, I bought a PS3 to play that dog in feathers thing. It never came, but at least Uncharted was decent, and there were jRPGs for those who like them. Now all you have is a grey mass of bad shooters, F2P shit and "delayed until december". Of what year, I`d like to ask.
  • nikon133 - Sunday, September 18, 2016 - link

    Crossplatform is a bit of desperation. Best Xbox exclusives are made by MS, thus will be released on Windows as well. For anyone who has gaming PC, this basically takes away biggest reasons to own Xbox. Having gaming PC and PlayStation and/or Nintendo suddenly makes much more sense.

    Those who have X1 because they don't want to invest into gaming PC, business as usual. Being able to play on PC games they already play on X1 will not really give them any reason to get both and "benefit" from this feature.

    Microsoft did well with X360 backward compatibility. Unfortunately it isn't helping them much in ters of sales and market share, but it was really good effort.

    Better exclusives... you lost me a bit there. This year is quite poor for X1 exclusives. FH3 is out but racing is already Xbox's holly grail in this gen... there wasn't any other mention-worthy exclusive for X1 this year, was there? I think PS4 actually did better. I guess this is matter of taste, after all.

    I'm gamer who is only interested in Forza from Xbox line, at the moment... and I'm getting these on my PC. On the other side, in order to play Uncharted, Bloodborne, TLoU, Ratchet, incoming God of War... I don't have a choice but to own Playstation.

    I'm grateful to MS for letting me play some of the best Xbox games on PC, but at the same time I'm well aware that Microsoft has basically killed most reasons for me to get Xbox as well.

    And then, there's no real VR strategy disclosed for Xbox. Where Digital Foundry already calls DriveClub VR best, most immersive VR driving at the moment... with both console and VR solution in-house, we can be confident that Sony will be pushing VR like there is no tomorrow.

    However you try to spin it, PS4 and PC combo seem to be making most sense to me right here, right now. Which is all but lost sight on Sony's side.
  • Manch - Tuesday, September 13, 2016 - link

    Quantum Break you can play on both Win 10 & XBOX. When I bought it I got a copy for both and my game saves port automatically. So how is this the first?
  • JoeMonco - Tuesday, September 13, 2016 - link

    It's the first "Xbox Play Anywhere" title which Quantum break was not. There's this thing called "context".
  • Manch - Wednesday, September 14, 2016 - link

    Quantum Break does the same exact thing as Recore. Lets you "play anywhere". Is there some additional feature perhaps I'm unaware of? That's why I asked. FYI you fuck twit you need to read the definition of context. You don't know what it means.
  • sweenish - Friday, September 16, 2016 - link

    And neither do you. Quantum Break does the same, but is not a part of the "Play Anywhere" initiative that MS announced at E3 this year.

    It's possible that Quantum Break's method of doing the same thing is different than "Play Anwhere." ReCore is the first game released using the Play Anywhere initiative. It isn't rocket science.

    Just some branding that you refuse to acknowledge. And possibly some behind the scenes stuff no one except MS knows about.
  • Manch - Monday, September 19, 2016 - link

    I got the context just fine. From the article "The initiative was called Xbox Play Anywhere, and amazingly the name is quite appropriate. The idea is that you can purchase a supported game on either the Xbox One, or Windows 10 store, and you would get the version for the other platform at no cost. In addition, game saves would be synchronized between the two platforms, making for a seamless experience." That is why I asked the question. Quantum Break does exactly that. I was just asking why it's not considered the first. I didnt know if there was a difference that disqualified Quantum Break which is why I asked the fucking question.
  • killerroach - Monday, September 19, 2016 - link

    If you buy Quantum Break for Windows 10, you don't get it on Xbox One for free, or vice versa. That's the difference.
  • Manch - Tuesday, September 20, 2016 - link

    Ah Ok. I did though when it first came out. I pre-ordered Quantum Break and got the Windows version as well. I didnt know it was a limited time offer. Thx
  • colonelclaw - Tuesday, September 13, 2016 - link

    Given the reviews that Recore has been getting, perhaps they should have called it Play Nowhere?

    ...I'll get my coat
  • Brett Howse - Tuesday, September 13, 2016 - link

    I'm glad I don't review video games, because I'm really enjoying the game. I don't have to dig into it other than it's fun.
  • damianrobertjones - Saturday, September 17, 2016 - link

    Is anyone actually going to comment on the F***ing game? Bunch of little kids and adults all moaning and complaining. Nothing ever changes.

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