Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/8101/corsair-releases-new-psu-series-hx750i-hx850i-hx1000i

Corsair's HX PSU series is of special significance to the company, as it is the first PSU series that Corsair released back in 2006. Corsair today announced its upgraded successor, the HXi series, which brings 80Plus Platinum certified units with Corsair Link support. Corsair announced that the new HXi series would consist of three units, a 750W, an 850W and a 1000W model, thus reducing the audience of the new HXi series significantly, as the vast majority of home computers do not require anywhere near that much power.

Although the press release does not clarify whether the new series will completely replace the current HX series or exist alongside it, it would make little sense for both series to coexist with the current pricing scheme. As the table below depicts, the MSRP of the new HXi series is very similar to that of the older units, therefore the older units will need to receive a major price cut if they are to stay in production.

Corsair PSUs

HX Series

HXi Series

AX Series

Corsair HX750


Corsair HX750i


Corsair AX760


Corsair HX850


Corsair HX850i


Corsair AX860


Corsair HX1050


Corsair HX1000i


Corsair AX860i


On paper, the new HXi units are strikingly similar to the current AXi series as well; fully modular, all-Japanese capacitors, Zero-RPM fan mode, 80Plus Platinum certified and covered by a seven year warranty. The only vital difference is the price, with the new HXi units being significantly cheaper, making the longevity of the current AX and AXi models questionable as well. Whether the new HXi units can also perform as well as the current AXi or even the HX series, we will find out once the first sample reaches our labs.

The new HXi Series will be available at retail in August.

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