Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/7640/intel-ces-2014-live-blog
Intel CES 2014 Live Blog
by Brian Klug & Jarred Walton on January 6, 2014 3:47 PM EST- Posted in
- Intel
- Trade Shows
- CES 2014

04:48PM EST - And that's a wrap. A lot of this is clearly raw, but there's definitely promise. We'll see if we can go hands on....
04:48PM EST - "We've finally removed the 'fiction' from 'science fiction' with RealSense Technology."
04:47PM EST - I can't spell the name of the software.
04:46PM EST - The winner was Shikumi Designs music... um... thing.
04:45PM EST - Started a competition for developers to come up with the most compelling uses of the 3D camera.
04:45PM EST - "Working with all the ecosystem."
04:45PM EST - Reiterating the need to work with partners -- this isn't something Intel can do on their own.
04:44PM EST - You can also show a page to the camera and it will recognize where you are.
04:43PM EST - With voice recognition, the program can tell what page of the book you're on.
04:43PM EST - Now showing book interaction -- kids are often more interested in the illustrations than the text.
04:42PM EST - Mooly blurts out the answer for the girl. LOL
04:42PM EST - Scholastic developed application to help with learning the alphabet.
04:42PM EST - Moving on to Clifford the Big Red Dog.
04:41PM EST - Interacting with a "farm" using hands and objects.
04:41PM EST - Time to bring out the adorable kids.
04:39PM EST - Final demo topic: Learning and Edutainment
04:39PM EST - Jetpack Mike next, showing flying with hand motions.
04:38PM EST - Okay, now playing pinball type of game with a special "controller" (sheet of cardboard).
04:37PM EST - Fails again at protecting the characters from the dragon.
04:36PM EST - Not working too well on the tracking.
04:36PM EST - Hoplites game demo (see Brian's picture)
04:35PM EST - Gaming and Play demo.
04:35PM EST - "Hey Dragon. Play some Elvis." [Here you go.] (Launches iTunes or Spotify.)
04:34PM EST - "Hey Dragon." [Beep] "Find a good hummus restaurant." [Shows Yelp results.]
04:34PM EST - Try again: "Watch an episode of Family Guy." [How about these.]
04:34PM EST - "Watch an episode of Family Guy." [I'm not sure what I should do with that.]
04:34PM EST - "Hey Dragon." [Beep]
04:33PM EST - Dragon Assistant demonstration. (Sweet -- speech and voice recognition demo.)
04:33PM EST - Problem is that you keep looking away from the screen while doing this.
04:32PM EST - Giving a Google Earth demonstration. Where she looks the image will track and move the content.
04:32PM EST - Now showing tracking of facial features.
04:31PM EST - It's like a touchscreen taken to the next level -- and it doesn't leave fingerprints.
04:31PM EST - It's like Xbox Kinnect interface only... well, I'm not sure it's worse, but it's not quite natural looking right now.
04:30PM EST - Pinch to grab and scroll screen, wave to go back, etc.
04:30PM EST - Using gestures to interact with Windows 8 UI.
04:29PM EST - Next up: Interact Naturally
04:28PM EST - Example of video blogging being difficult and requiring green screens, editing, etc. Now it's real-time (but still lacking quality in demo).
04:27PM EST - Can be used to hide backgrounds on calls or simply remove them.
04:27PM EST - Clear issues with border detection due to fidelity of 3D resolution.
04:26PM EST - Has a demo showing woman (at left of stage) superimposed on different backgrounds.
04:26PM EST - Working with Microsoft and Skype to enhance video calls.
04:25PM EST - Next demo: Immersive Collaboration/Creation
04:24PM EST - Taking virtual to actual with 3D printing.
04:24PM EST - In order to print in 3D, you need the content.
04:24PM EST - Question is not "if" we will have a 3D printer in every home, but "which room will it reside in".
04:23PM EST - Avi Reichentaal (sp?) takes the stage.
04:23PM EST - Announcing strategic collaboration and partnership with 3DSystems.
04:22PM EST - This can be done real-time as well as with post-processing. Some cool effects.
04:21PM EST - Dynamically changing the object filters for different depth objects.
04:21PM EST - Capturing Craig holding a small monkey doll, in real-time.
04:20PM EST - They will show how this is done at a presentation later tonight.
04:20PM EST - Mooly has a 3D view of his head/bust captured a few hours ago, and it can be done real-time.
04:19PM EST - Capture and share demo....
04:18PM EST - Upcoming demos will show discrete 3D cameras and the new embedded 3D camera.
04:17PM EST - However, the camera (hardware) is not enough. "What can I do with it?"
04:17PM EST - http://intel.com/RealSense
04:17PM EST - Intel RealSense: introducing the new brain for perceptual computing.
04:16PM EST - Thin enough to fit in the top panel of a laptop.
04:15PM EST - All the systems on the stage have the embedded camera in them.
04:15PM EST - Module is about as thick as two quarters.
04:15PM EST - Mooly is holding a sample 3D embedded camera -- "thinner than a Vegas poker chip."
04:13PM EST - Eventual move is to embedded 3D cameras.
04:13PM EST - How do we drive this change? The same way we worked with 2D cameras.
04:13PM EST - The whole world will transition to 3D the minute we can provide it.
04:12PM EST - Now the challenge is to do this for humans with an IQ of 100.
04:12PM EST - Frog with an IQ of 10, this was brilliant -- natural, intuitive, and immersive.
04:11PM EST - Video clip (from 18 months ago). Shows toad "eating" bugs on a smartphone screen.
04:10PM EST - NII: Natural, Intuitive, Immersive.
04:10PM EST - Immersive -- blur the borders between the real world and the virtual world.
04:10PM EST - Intuitive -- needs to be simply and user friendly.
04:10PM EST - Touch is nice, but when we can get voice to a better state it will be more natural.
04:09PM EST - When we communicate with each other, we don't touch each other all the time.
04:09PM EST - Why does voice have a brighter future? Because touch is not natural.
04:09PM EST - Voice is more important than touch.
04:09PM EST - Three items: Natural interfaces (multi-modality using multiple senses).
04:08PM EST - Add "senses" to the "brain" -- eyes, ears, voice, touch, emotion, and context for a natural, intuitive, and immersive life-life experience.
04:07PM EST - How will we define the next big thing?
04:07PM EST - Interfaces haven't improved nearly as much: DOS to GUI to touch.
04:07PM EST - Comparing performance, we have improved 3.5 million times over the past 45 years.
04:06PM EST - CPUs have less connectivity but higher clocks. "We are narrowing the gap."
04:05PM EST - 100 billion neurons in the brain running at 1000 Hz.
04:05PM EST - 1.7 billion transistors at 3GHz in 4th Gen Core processors.
04:05PM EST - 2300 transistors and 740KHz for Intel 4004 processor.
04:04PM EST - Basic comparison of transistors and neurons.
04:04PM EST - With computers, most of the processing power is used for calculations.
04:04PM EST - Look at the human brain -- most of our processing power is for our senses.
04:04PM EST - Why cover this? We are on the verge of a major revolution.
04:03PM EST - Moore's Law predicted exponential increase in power but also exponential decrease in cost.
04:03PM EST - Invention of transistors, invention of integrated circuit, and Moore's Law.
04:03PM EST - What enabled this revolution?
04:02PM EST - Plantable devices (implantable).
04:02PM EST - 24/7 connectivity, inter-device connectivity, carrying computing on our bodies.
04:02PM EST - This is the past and the present. What does the future hold for us?
04:01PM EST - Big focus on user experience today.
04:01PM EST - Covering compute history -- from ENIAC to PCs to laptops, etc.
04:00PM EST - We are surrounded by computing -- cars, phones, PCs, tablets, toys, gadgets...
04:00PM EST - "From science fiction to reality"
04:00PM EST - Mooly Eden is on the stage now.
03:59PM EST - Video intro: we used to type, then we clicked, now we touch.
03:58PM EST - Jarred is online now. Hooray. XPS 15 didn't like Brian's USB tethering apparently at Qualcomm.
03:56PM EST - I'm guessing the black strips mounted on the top of all these notebooks are the RealSense 3D camera
03:53PM EST - I guess we're going to hear about an integrated 2D and 3D camera from Intel called RealSense
03:52PM EST - Much bigger room than Qualcomm's, which was packed, definitely more space here
03:49PM EST - Well here we go, me (Brian) again on text and video, Jarred on text assuming the laptop doesn't BSOD again