Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/6687/microsoft-announces-new-surface-rt-sku-64gb-without-touch-cover

When Microsoft launched Surface RT, you could only buy the 64GB SKU with a bundled black touch cover. Although Microsoft's custom keyboard covers are an integral part of Surface's design, Microsoft offered them unbundled so: 1) you could choose whatever color you'd like, and 2) Microsoft could make tons of sweet cash on selling you a $120 cover.

Today, along with a bunch of other things, Microsoft is annoucing a 64GB Surface RT SKU without a bundled touch cover for $599. The pricing is in line with everything else, $100 more than the base 32GB configuration and competitive with other high-end ARM based tablets on the market.

Microsoft Surface RT SKUs
  32GB 64GB
Surface RT $499 $599 NEW
Surface RT + Black Touch Cover $599 $699

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