Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/5943/google-posts-cdmalte-galaxy-nexus-404-imm76k-factory-images

A few days ago Google started rolling out the CDMA/LTE Galaxy Nexus 4.0.4 IMM76K update en-masse to Verizon subscribers. I mentioned a relatively well known trick to improve your odds of getting the OTA in our pipeline piece about it, and today Google (courtesy JBQ) has rolled out the full factory restore image on its factory images for nexus phones page. This comes as a very welcome step towards rebuilding the reputation of the CDMA/LTE Galaxy Nexus device, even after the CDMA/LTE Galaxy Nexus lost AOSP support and following its massively delayed 4.0.4 rollout. 

Interestingly enough, reader and avid twitter user CJ (@N301DQ) seems to have been at least partially responsible for prompting JBQ to build and post the full IMM76K factory restore images. 

Source: Factory Images for Nexus Phones

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