Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/5134/amd-releases-catalyst-1111-drivers

AMD yesterday released its 11.11 Catalyst driver package, not three weeks after last month's 11.10 release. As usual, supported operating systems include 32-bit and 64-bit Windows 7, Windows Vista desktops and laptops and Windows XP desktops.

The new drivers fully support Adobe Flash Player 11's Stage 3D API and Stage 3D Applications, and add support for the full line-up of Radeon HD GPUs and A and E-series APUs. Issues have been resolved in Windows 7 with Rage, Far Cry 2, Homefront, and DC Universe Online, though issues still remain for Crossfire users with particular configurations and in particular games (Battlefield 3 and Skyrim among them). The Catalyst Creator Twitter account says that Catalyst Application Profiles with fixes will arrive soon.

The drivers, CAPs, and release notes can all be downloaded from AMD's web site.

Source: AMD

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