Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/4872/minecraft-pocket-edition-coming-to-android-on-september-29

The portable edition of Minecraft, the popular world building/sandbox/survival horror game by indie developer Mojang, is shedding its Xperia Play exclusivity and coming to other Android devices on September 29.

The reveal video, linked below, shows a Mojang employee playing the game via touchscreen - look direction is controlled by swiping and player movement is controlled using an onscreen directional pad. Whether this control scheme works as well as a keyboard and mouse or even the Xperia Play's buttons remains to be seen.

Minecraft Pocket Edition, which is at this point a product completely separate from the standard PC version of Minecraft, currently sells for about $6.50 on the Android Market. Like the PC version, it is being updated continuously and should see new improvments and features added over time.

Source: Mojang

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