Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/255
Streaming SIMD Extensions
Perhaps the most touted improvement the Pentium III has over it's older brother the Pentium II is the addition of Streaming SIMD Extensions, or SSE for short. As described in Anandtech's Pentium III review, SIMD is:
SIMD, or Single Instruction Multiple Data (in this case
SIMD-FP as it applies to FPU instructions, whereas MMX offered SIMD-Int for Integer
instructions) allows a single command (or instruction) to be applied to multiple sets of
simultaneously. The key to understanding the benefits of SIMD-FP instructions is the
emphasis on the simultaneous execution of commonly used instructions such as
multiplies, divides, and adds.
Specifically applied to SSE, SIMD is the ability perform a single instruction on four pairs of 32bit floating point values in one clock cycle. Clearly, SIMD offers a vast improvement in performance; however, AMD has used 3DNow (a SIMD instruction set) for many months. What is it that sets SSE and 3DNow apart, if anything?
SSE in Action
Here is an example of SSE being used in a real world situation, transforming a 3D vertex.
copyright (c) 1999 Intel
Let R1 = 128bit register 1, R2 = 128bit register 2, etc. All other values are 32bit floating point.
Take X = a0*x + a1*y + a2*z + a3*1
Using SIMD principles, a0 a1 a2 a3 is packed into R1, x y z 1 packed into R2, and then SIMD_Multiply ( R1, R2) is called and the result stored in R3.
Then R3 is unpacked and the 32bit components are added. Notice that the SIMD principles saved us 3 multiplications; we performed 4 multiplications in one shot using SIMD_multiply. The same process is continued for calculating values for Y, Z, and W.
New Registers vs Recycled Registers
One of the most notable differences between SSE and 3DNow is the addition of 8 new 128bit "vector" registers. Unlike 3DNow's SIMD implementation which uses the 8 existing FP/MMX 64bit registers, SSE will have its own dedicated set of registers in order to minimize mode switching and maximize parallelism between FP, MMX, and SIMD instructions. Applications which make extensive use MMX and SIMD will benefit from the new registers.
Max Throughput vs Theoretical Throughput
Since SIMD works by packing as many 32bit FP values as possible (in the case of 3DNow, 2, SSE, 4) into the operand registers (or memory) and then performing the operating on these registers, it is evident that 3DNow can only perform two normal floating point operations per operation. SSE, on the other hand can perform four floating point operations per operation. The reason I say per operation rather than per clock is because the current 3DNow implementations found in AMDs processors can perform 2 SIMD operations per clock. This means that the peak throughput of both SSE and 3DNow is four floating point operations per clock. The problem with the 3DNow implementation is that the two SIMD operations which are to be executed simultaneously cannot be both additions, or both multiplies. After skimming the Intel CPU documentation (800+ page acrobat file, cut me some slack :) it doesn't look as if SSE has any pairing restrictions (i.e which two instructions must go together for optimal performance). This makes sense because the SSE unit does not handle two SIMD instructions per clock anyway. Quality optimization, both hand and machine (compiler), should virtually alleviate the pairing restrictions in the 3DNow implementation.
More Registers Equals More Performance?
As mentioned earlier, Intel's SSE implementation has essentially double the registers as AMDs 3DNow implementation. This means that register with register operations can be done much more efficiently and without constantly repacking the data into the registers. Take for example the task of transforming a list of vertices using a 4 x 4 master matrix. Storing the master matrix will exhaust 3DNow of registers. This means that all register manipulations will have to use registers which are already used for storing the master matrix. This means repacking the master matrix all over again, time consuming. Luckily, according to Tim Sweeney, lead programmer at Epic Games,
"Since register-memory instructions are as fast as
instructions, I don't usually need to use more than 4 registers."
However, Sweeney goes on to state that:
"The register limit will probably hurt other types
of apps (signal
processing, sound) more than 3d transformations."
This is perhaps a technical reason why many application developers, such as Adobe, may prefer SSE over 3DNow.
Register "Hacking"
Since AMDs 3DNow instructions share the same register set as do MMX registers, programmers can use MMX instructions to "hack" the 3DNow registers. Register hacking is used for bit shifts and problem specific optimizations. Some were skeptical that this would not be possible to do with SSE, since SSE uses an entirely new set of registers. Luckily, Intel provided us with a significant amount of "bit twiddling" functions which allow programmers to do virtually everything possible with MMX instruction mixing. (This is one of the reasons why SSE is composed of 70 instructions, as opposed to 3DNow's 21)
Software Support
Last but not least, both of these great SIMD instruction sets are useless without software support. Currently, 3DNow has an advantage in this area because it already has an established user base of millions of PCs. SSE, on the other hand, has an infant user base. 3DNow's current user base may not be enough to compete with Intel's dominance of the market, as Anandtech concluded in the Pentium III review. Intel is promoting SSE aggressively and intends on unveiling the Pentium III with a load of apps available or to be released around March 1st. A more complete list is available here. Only time will tell whether or not SSE can catch up to 3DNow's 9-10 month head start.