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  • Monstieur - Friday, April 12, 2024 - link

    Unlike UDIMMs, the CPU memory controller voltage has no effect on overclocking RDIMMs. With UDIMMs, the memory controller directly drives each of the memory chips across all the DIMMs, requiring overvolting to go faster. With RDIMMs, the registered clock driver on each DIMMs drives the memory chips on that DIMM and buffers data between the CPU and the DIMM. My W790 board can do 6000 C28 without changing the CPU voltage.
  • Threska - Friday, April 12, 2024 - link

    Less chance of damaging expensive things.
  • PeachNCream - Saturday, April 13, 2024 - link

    I would imagine if someone has the need for a workstation and budget to acquire one, they are probably going to source them from a major computer equipment supplier for their business rather than DIY them so they have a warranty, support contract, predictable lifecycle, etc. They're also highly unlikely to consider overclocking and instead just expend the small additional cost to buy more compute power so employees remain productive. Overclocked workstation memory like this is likely going to not land in an environment where it will be leveraged to do much that a professional workforce would do to sustain company operations. Think home users trying to scratch the itch for many cores without much of a reason except to brag about it to other equally lost home users who all just ultimately do nothing more than increase their utility bill while playing Fortnite or Genshin Impact.
  • Samus - Saturday, April 13, 2024 - link

    True, but some people do build their own barebones workstations and servers (ie Supermicro) who certify memory vendors. Presumably, Corsair will make their compatibility list.
  • bobsmith1492 - Monday, April 15, 2024 - link

    I've built a couple Threadripper Pro workstations for our small business. The only decent memory is "overclocked" but always have a normal-frequency SPD.
  • PeachNCream - Tuesday, April 16, 2024 - link

    Your thoughts are something the PC parts industry has been striving to build and maintain for decades, especially when commodity components like RAM are concerned - direct to buyer sales are driven in part by product differentiation so they almost MUST collectively create a set of capabilities and hard sell them as bullet points on the marketing materials to draw in buyers. People that never intend to do anything outside of factory JDEC specifications with their RAM often spend more and purchase a specific brand label then feel they get a better experience. That's entirely what marketing departments want their buyers to feel regardless of the lack of measurable difference at the keyboard.

    One could argue that's exploitative - and they wouldn't be wrong - but purchases aren't compulsory and the lack of marketing methodology awareness is by no fault of the companies and as long as they aren't making untrue claims, we generally accept those methods as drivers of economic activity. Money must change hands after all.
  • erotomania - Monday, April 15, 2024 - link

    Speak for your imagining self, but I would never, and I mean NEVER, allow someone to build (assemble is the correct word anyway) a workstation for me. With the occasional exception of NUC and mini, I won't allow someone else to assemble even a PC for me.
  • PeachNCream - Tuesday, April 16, 2024 - link

    Cool story bro.
  • shing3232 - Sunday, April 14, 2024 - link

    Add voltage to clock driver ?

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