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  • dwillmore - Monday, August 23, 2021 - link

    EdgeQ made up of three of the most evil companies in the market. How can that go wrong?
  • PaulHoule - Tuesday, August 24, 2021 - link

    I can't think of anything that sounds like more fun than hacking a car through the TPMS.

    I think the TPMS has given me more trouble than all the other systems on my current and previous Honda put together.
  • brucethemoose - Tuesday, August 24, 2021 - link

    I also want that giant DIMM.

    Anyway, those PIM numbers look almost too good to be true... I want some of that in a desktop GPU. Or perhaps Samsung will start shipping it in phones for camera processing and other ML stuff? I wonder how much cost it adds on their end.

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