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  • Sharma_Ji - Wednesday, June 17, 2020 - link

    "Today Qualcomm is announced"?
    The what ?
  • abufrejoval - Friday, June 19, 2020 - link

    It's nice to see them trying to compete against Nvidia here: In the past develoment boards for Snapdragons either didn't exist or were far too expensive.

    Too bad there is no Kirin 990 board in sight, either!

    As far as "run for the money" is concerned, I'm not so sure. Just retried my Jetson Nano these days to compare it against a newly purchased RP4 8GB and while both seem close enough on the pure CPU side, the Nano's GPU is quite outstanding on my 4K 42" monitor: It runs a competent Cinnamon desktop with a pretty snappy Chromium. The RP4, doesn't stand a chance at 4K.

    Now the Xavier NX at €400 probably *is* 4x the performance, while the Jetson AGX at €800 matches that with 8-10x the power of a Nano. With 32GB of RAM at 140GB/s and a 1/8 of a P100 it's quite a beast (with a 40 Watt appetite, tough). I quite like this linear scale along a reasonable base.

    Almost has me buy the top Xavier as the ARM workstation I cannot get for anything close to this price of a premium mobile phone, while I'd reckon that this Snapdragon, won't be cheaper nor near that performance.

    If I was a betting man, I'd put my nickels on either one of the Xaviers, unless you declare the race being on performance per Watts: For robots, I'd call that cheating.

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