AMD Catalyst 14.6 Release Candidate 2 Drivers Posted
by Ryan Smith on June 24, 2014 7:30 PM EST
AMD has posted a new version of their Catalyst 14.6 drivers this afternoon, bringing their latest driver set up to Release Candidate 2.
As a further refinement of the 14.6 driver set, RC2 is primarily focusing on Crossfire compatibility and performance, according to AMD’s notes. GRID: Autosport, Watch Dogs, and Battlefield: Hardline all receive new or updated Crossfire profiles. Meanwhile this driver also serves as the launch driver for the just released Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare, containing a number of baseline performance optimizations for the game in Direct3D mode.
As always, you can grab the Catalyst 14.6 RC2 driver from AMD’s driver download page. Meanwhile since these are release candidate drivers, based on prior experience with AMD’s drivers we would expect to see these drivers re-issued as WHQL drivers in the next couple of weeks, assuming final testing goes well.
Source: AMD
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atlantico - Tuesday, August 5, 2014 - link
Can't wait for the final! The beta releases are usually very stable, but can cause BSD in certain situations.