Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/6

Recently, the ability to process and produce 3D images efficiently has become more important when it comes to customizing your system for optimal performance.  The manufacturers responded to this demand at an extremely fast pace, offering different chipset solutions each with their own strengths and weaknesses.  However which card is right for you?  While some cards are suited for certain situations other cards fail miserably in those same predicaments.  To completely answer that question we must first discuss the two different facets of 3D acceleration with today's Personal Computers...

Entering the Third Dimension

In the early 1980's Microsoft introduced the world to a new era in computing, gaming, with their historical release of the Microsoft Flight Simulator for the IBM PC.  Since then we have come a long way, computers have become tools of work and tools of play, the hardware industry is pushed by the expanding needs of both gamers and professionals who desire more.  While the computer was originally intended to be solely a productive tool, users have managed to influence the market enough to transform the personal computer into an object of productivity as well as recreation.

Working in 3D

Why do professionals need the ability to work in three dimensions?   Artists can more accurately depict their works, architects can plan out their designs before building them, and engineers can test theories without even laying their hands on a piece of equipment other than a keyboard.  Advances in computer graphics and the implementation of 3D capabilities into the desktop and workstation PCs has allowed professionals to expand their horizons and pursue new facets of their careers.

Playing in 3D

First there was black and white, then we got color, next was sound, then interactivity became popular, now the "fad" for gamers is 3D.  While not knowing what is needed to produce the pretty pictures die hard gamers see on their monitors they mindlessly pop in a Quake 2 CD and watch the textures fly, literally.   The gaming industry obviously has a major influence on the computer hardware industry, with every new technology that is developed by the programmers at some of the most competitive game manufacturers there is a new piece of hardware being designed to compensate for the immense requirements of that new technology.  One can almost predict where the next major hardware advances will be, and that is in the 3D arena.   Major CPU manufacturers have already proposed their own proprietary 3D geometry processing units which will shortly appear in their processors within months. 

What I Tested

Video Card Chipset Overclockability
ATI Xpert@Work (AGP) 2D/3D ATI 3D Rage Pro Chipset (no OpenGL Support) Fine at 75MHz bus, problems at 83 & 100 (92MHz)...still functional however
California Graphics 3D Emotion (PCI) 2D/3D 3Dfx Voodoo Rush Erratic at anything above 75MHz
Creative Labs Voodoo 2 (PCI) 3D Only - 3Dfx Voodoo 2 No problems at 75, 83, and 100MHz.
Creative Labs GB EXXTREME (PCI) 2D/3D 3DLabs Permedia 2 Chipset No problems at 75, 83, and 100MHz.
Diamond Monster 3D (PCI) 3D Only - 3Dfx Voodoo Card No problems at 75 & 83MHz, minor problems at 100MHz.
Diamond Stealth II 3D (PCI) 2D/3D Rendition Verite V2100 Chipset No problems at 75MHz, erratic at 83 & 100MHz.
Diamond Viper V330 (AGP & PCI) 2D/3D nVIDIA Riva 128 Chipset Image Distortion at 83 & 100MHz
Hercules Thriller 3D (PCI) 2D/3D Rendition Verite V2200 Chipset No Problems at 83 & 100MHz.
Intergraph Intense 3D (PCI) 2D/3D 3Dfx Voodoo Rush Erratic at anything above 66MHz
Matrox M3D (PCI) 3D Only - NEC/Videologic PowerVR PCX2 Chipset No problems at 75, 83, and 100MHz (92) bus speeds
Matrox Millennium II (AGP & PCI) 2D/3D Matrox Proprietary Chipset No problems at 75, 83, and 100MHz (92) bus speeds
STB Velocity 128 (AGP) 2D/3D nVIDIA Riva 128 Chipset No problems at 75, 83, and 100MHz (92) bus speeds

How I Tested

  • Each benchmark was run 3 times, with the final result being an average of the three.  If any of the three test runs resulted in a failure the entire score was made void and the set of three tests was run again until a reliable set could be achieved or until the benchmark tests failed 3 times in a row.

  • The FIC PA-2012 VP3 Based Socket-7 AGP Motherboard was used for all Socket-7 CPU tests and the AOpen AX6L LX Based Slot-1 AGP Motherboard was used for all the Pentium II tests.  Both test systems were configured identically with no differences other than the motherboard and processor.

  • A full 400MB Quake 2 installation was performed, as well as a full installation of Winstone 97 and Winbench 98.  The CDROM drive present was an AOpen 24X.

  • The Quake 2 Timedemo Frame rates were achieved by typing the following in the Quake 2 Console (hit the '~' key to activate):
                                    TIMEDEMO 1
                               DEMOMAP DEMOx.DM2

       Where x is the corresponding demo number (either 1 or 2) .  All Quake 2 tests were run at 640 x 480

  • All other tests were run at 1024 x 768 x 16 bit color

  • No foreign drivers were present in the test system other than those required for the system to function to the best of its ability

  • All foreign installation files were moved to a separate partition during the test as to prevent them from effecting the test results

  • The ATI Xpert@Work used the beta OpenGL ICD from ATI

  • All 3Dfx based Voodoo accelerators used Glide 2.43

  • All 3Dfx based Voodoo 2 accelerators used Glide 2.5

  • All NEC PowerVR PCX2 based accelerators used the standard PowerVR OpenGL Port

  • All 3DLabs Permedia 2 based accelerators used the default OpenGL drivers

  • All Rendition Verite V2100 based accelerators used the beta OpenGL drivers for the Verite chipset

  • All Riva 128 based accelerators used the Beta nVIDIA OpenGL drivers for the Quake 2 Tests

Now on to the comparisons...

2D - Windows 95 Performance - AMD K6/233 (66MHz x 3.5) - FIC PA-2012

Video Card

Business Winstone 97

High End Winstone 97

ATI Xpert@Work (AGP)



California Graphics 3D Emotion  (PCI)



Canopus Total3D 128V  (PCI)



Creative Labs GB EXXTREME (PCI)



Diamond Monster 3D (PCI)



Diamond Stealth II 3D (PCI)



Diamond Viper V330 (AGP)



Diamond Viper V330 (PCI)



Hercules Thriller 3D (PCI)



Intergraph Intense 3D (PCI)



Matrox M3D (PCI)



Matrox Millennium II (AGP)



Matrox Millennium II (PCI)



STB Velocity 128  (AGP)



wpe4.jpg (31993 bytes)

A killer 2D card for your K6?  The AGP Matrox Millennium II seems to be the clear answer in both High End and Business Application tests.  While only a few tenths of a point faster than the STB Velocity and Diamond Viper in the Business Application tests, the AGP Millennium II is approximately 5% faster than the 2nd place ATI Xpert@Work when it comes to High End applications such as CAD/Engineering apps, etc...

Although the Millennium II does come out above the competition in the 2D tests you must take into account that the Millennium II has very little girth when it comes to 3D acceleration, in which case the Diamond Viper and STB Velocity, both Riva 128 based cards, appear to be much more well rounded choices for the AMD K6.  

2D - Windows 95 Performance - Cyrix 6x86MX-PR2/200+ (66MHz x 2.5) - FIC PA-2012

wpe5.jpg (33476 bytes)

Video Card

Business Winstone 97

High End Winstone 97

ATI Xpert@Work (AGP)



California Graphics 3D Emotion  (PCI)



Canopus Total3D 128V (PCI)



Creative Labs GB EXXTREME (PCI)



Diamond Monster 3D (PCI)



Diamond Stealth II 3D (PCI)



Diamond Viper V330 (AGP)



Diamond Viper V330 (PCI)



Hercules Thriller 3D (PCI)



Intergraph Intense 3D (PCI)



Matrox M3D (PCI)



Matrox Millennium II (AGP)



Matrox Millennium II (PCI)



STB Velocity 128  (AGP)



We have the same picture here, the Millennium II (AGP) comes out on top, closely followed by the STB Velocity and Diamond Viper (both AGP).  If all you're looking for is 2D acceleration then the clear choice is of course, the outstanding AGP Millennium II, however for the most well rounded card in these tests you probably want to lean towards one of the Riva based alternatives. 

Holding up the rear of this comparison are the two Voodoo Rush based cards (Intergraph Intense 3D and California Graphics 3D Emotion) along with the two Rendition V2x00 cards (Diamond Stealth II 3D and Hercules Thriller 3D).   Surprisingly enough, the PCI Millennium II, can also be classified with those cards which came up under par in the comparison.  This just goes to show you how much the Accelerated Graphics Port (see AGP Guide).  The exxtremely powerful Permedia 2 based Graphics Blaster EXXTREME from Creative Labs comes in a dead last place in the Cyrix 6x86MX tests which will continue to be its home until we move out of the Socket-7 arena.


2D - Windows 95 Performance - Intel Pentium MMX 233 (66MHz x 3.5) - FIC PA-2012

Video Card

Business Winstone 97

High End Winstone 97

ATI Xpert@Work (AGP)



California Graphics 3D Emotion  (PCI)



Canopus Total3D 128V (PCI)



Creative Labs GB EXXTREME (PCI)



Diamond Monster 3D (PCI)



Diamond Stealth II 3D (PCI)



Diamond Viper V330 (AGP)



Diamond Viper V330 (PCI)



Hercules Thriller 3D (PCI)



Intergraph Intense 3D (PCI)



Matrox M3D (PCI)



Matrox Millennium II (AGP)



Matrox Millennium II (PCI)



STB Velocity 128 (AGP)



Same deal here, the ATI Xpert@Work moved up a few slots in the Business Winstone tests while the Voodoo Rush and Rendition boards held up the rear of the train.

2D - Windows 95 Performance - Intel Pentium II 300 (66MHz x 4.5) - AOpen AX6L

Video Card

Business Winstone 97

High End Winstone 97

ATI Xpert@Work (AGP)



California Graphics 3D Emotion  (PCI)



Canopus Total3D 128V (PCI)



Creative Labs GB EXXTREME (PCI)



Diamond Monster 3D (PCI)



Diamond Stealth II 3D (PCI)



Diamond Viper V330 (AGP)



Diamond Viper V330 (PCI)



Hercules Thriller 3D (PCI)



Intergraph Intense 3D (PCI)



Matrox M3D (PCI)



Matrox Millennium II (AGP)



Matrox Millennium II (PCI)



STB Velocity 128 (AGP)



Here's where things get confusing, remember that extremely low performing Permedia 2 card from Creative Labs?  Well it now comes out as being the first place leader in the Business Winstone 97 tests, scoring a full 2.4 points above the Xpert@Work from ATI but only 1.4 points over the AGP Millennium II.  In the High End tests the STB Velocity 128 is once again limited to its 2nd place position by two tenths of a point provided by the AGP Millennium II which was the first place winner in these tests.  One common occurrence was the placement of the Rendition and Voodoo Rush boards, it is quite obvious that those two chipsets were not intended to be great 2D performers (probably why the term 3D is used in the names of all of the products which used those chipsets ;)...).

2D - Windows Performance Conclusion

The world is full of extremes, not excluding the computer hardware world, and of course including the Video Accelerator Market.   For the absolute best performance when it comes to normal everyday 2D Windows acceleration, the obvious choice is the Matrox Millennium II (AGP).  However when you factor in the lack of support for 3D acceleration the Millennium II leaves you with you must consider the next best thing, in this case, a card using a Riva 128 chipset.   The Riva 128 chipset not only provides you with outstanding 3D acceleration in both OpenGL and Direct3D applications, but its 2D acceleration is well beyond the norm for 2D/3D combo cards like the Voodoo Rush boards.  So the top two choices in this test turned out to be the Matrox Millennium II (AGP) and the STB Velocity 128/Diamond Viper V330 with the ATI Xpert@Work poking its head among those candidates.  How does the picture change in three dimensions?  Let's find out...

Determining how well a 3D Video Accelerator performs naturally requires a method of benchmarking, deciding upon how to benchmark the card requires much more thought however. While there are a number of benchmarks out there that claim to be effective 3D Graphics Tests, in reality there is no substitute for a real world 3D gaming test when dealing with a 3D gaming card.  Ziff Davis produces a benchmarking suite known as Winstone, it is used here on Anand Tech as well as on other sites and in magazines.  Winstone itself is nothing more than a compilation of the latest and most popular Business and High End applications, a true real world test that makes it such an effective measure of system performance. 

Unfortunately, there are no such tests produced by Ziff Davis to measure 3D performance.  You may ask, what about 3D Winbench?  Although 3D Winbench is a well manufactured test, it doesn't accurately reflect real world 3D performance, in addition to that simple driver enhancements can often boost 3D Winbench scores while not increasing performance at all.  For these reasons, Anand Tech will only use real world games and their built in benchmarks to compare the performance of all of the 3D Accelerators featured here.  Comparing performance under the OpenGL API isn't all that difficult, id Software's Quake 2, serves as an ideal benchmark since it is a very intensive test that makes beyond adequate use of a combination of the Video Subsystem, Processor, and Memory of a computer.  Shortly a few more titles based on the Direct3D API will emerge, most of which feature frame rate tests, upon their release one will be chosen as the official benchmark of Anand Tech, until then we'll have to live with Quake 2 frame rates for now.

All cards tested here either used their own beta OpenGL drivers, or those included with Quake 2, listed below are any and all third party drivers that were used in the tests:

The Pentium II test system consisted of a boxed Pentium II - 300, AOpen AX6L Motherboard, 64MB Advanced Megatrends SDRAM, and a Western Digital 1.6GB HDD.  The Socket-7 test systems used either an AMD K6 233, Cyrix 6x86MX 200+ (clocked at 66 x 2.5), or a Pentium MMX 233 on a FIC PA-2012.

Now let's take a look at the first benchmarks...

Previous Page - 3D Gaming Performance | Next Page - Cyrix 6x86MX Performance

Quake 2 640 x 480 OpenGL Tests - AMD K6 233

ATI Xpert@Work (AGP) 10.1 fps 10.3 fps
California Graphics 3DEmotion (PCI) 17.6 fps 17.4 fps
Canopus Total3D 128V (PCI) 18.0 fps 16.8 fps
Creative Labs 3D Blaster V2 (PCI) 24.6 fps 23.1 fps
Creative Labs GB EXXTREME (PCI)

11.5 fps

10.0 fps

Diamond Monster 3D (PCI)

19.8 fps

18.9 fps

Diamond Stealth II 3D (PCI)

16.8 fps

16.9 fps

Diamond Viper V330 (AGP)

18.2 fps

17.0 fps

Diamond Viper V330 (PCI)

17.0 fps

16.8 fps

Hercules Thriller 3D (PCI)

19.8 fps

19.5 fps

Intergraph Intense 3D (PCI)

16.0 fps

16.0 fps

Matrox M3D (PCI)

10.7 fps

10.3 fps

A card actually faster than a 3Dfx Voodoo card?  Well, would you settle for just as fast?  The Rendition V2200 based Hercules Thriller 3D offers you the same performance as the Diamond Monster 3D, while giving you 2D acceleration as well.  The Hercules Thriller 3D is an excellent overall card, especially when you consider the $129 pricetag of the 4MB package gets you the most of the performance of a Monster 3D...and 2D acceleration as well.   I wouldn't recommend the Thriller 3D for users with large monitors as the 2D visual quality of the card is a bit degraded at higher resolutions.  The ultimate 2D/3D solution seems to be an AGP Millennium II with a PCI Voodoo 2, however if you're running on a 15" monitor at 800 x 600 and can't spare 2 PCI slots drop a Thriller 3D in there and watch the frames fly. 

ATI's Xpert@Work card comes in last place, lagging behind in all of the tests by a noticeable frame rate.  When ATI releases their final OpenGL drivers you can expect a bit of a increase in performance, however the beta OpenGL drivers seem to be too little too late on ATI's part, maybe if they had unveiled them upon the public release of the 3D Rage Pro chipset cards they might have been more of a hit.  Right now, if you have a 3D Rage Pro based accelerator, great-you can run GL Quake 2 now, otherwise, the drivers still don't provide users with a reason to drop their 3Dfx cards in favor of an Xpert@Whatever card.

Of course, as can be expected, the Voodoo 2 does rule all in the Quake 2 world.  However the performance jump above the Diamond Monster 3D, an original Voodoo card, isn't all that much.  The 12MB Creative Labs 3D Blaster Voodoo 2 is priced about twice as high as the Monster 3D, while only giving you a 6 fps increase in performance.   You should note that the card remained un-tweaked in these tests, as did the Monster 3D.  Breaking 30 fps with a Voodoo 2 card on a K6 system shouldn't be all that difficult with a little tweaking, however don't expect to be reaching Pentium II performance under Quake 2 just because you have a Voodoo 2 in your system.  The real benefit of a Voodoo 2 on a K6 system can be seen below in the 800 x 600 tests.

Quake 2 800 x 600 OpenGL Tests - AMD K6 233

ATI Xpert@Work (AGP) 7.6 fps 7.6 fps
Creative Labs 3D Blaster V2 (PCI) 24.4 fps 23.0 fps

The ATI Xpert@Work was one of the few cards that actually made it to 800 x 600, the rest were either limited by their texture memory size or were too slow to cope with, not that 7.6 frames per second is anything to be proud of.  By the time ATI finalizes their OpenGL ICD drivers you can probably expect frame rates in the 10 - 15 fps range which isn't bad at all, although its nothing compared to the 24+ fps the Creative Labs Voodoo 2 cooked up.

As mentioned earlier, higher resolutions is where the Voodoo 2 really shines.  Experiencing a mere 0.2 fps loss when making the jump to 800 x 600, the Creative Labs Voodoo 2 makes it clear that there is no longer a reason to play games at 640 x 480.  For years the market had been attempting to keep the ideal level of play at a 640 x 480 resolution.  Once again, 3Dfx came along, and with one stroke of their Voodoo magic, managed to raise the standards to 800 x 600...if your card can't handle 800 x 600, you're out of luck, get a Voodoo 2.

Previous Page - AMD K6 Performance | Next Page - Pentium MMX Performance

Quake 2 640 x 480 OpenGL Tests - Cyrix 6x86MX 200+

ATI Xpert@Work (AGP) 8.3 fps 8.3 fps
California Graphics 3DEmotion (PCI) Failed Failed
Canopus Total3D 128V (PCI) 13.1 fps 12.5 fps
Creative Labs 3D Blaster V2 (PCI) 18.0 fps 17.0 fps
Creative Labs GB EXXTREME (PCI)

9.9 fps

9.0 fps

Diamond Monster 3D (PCI)

15.0 fps

14.1 fps

Diamond Stealth II 3D (PCI)

15.7 fps

14.6 fps

Diamond Viper V330 (AGP)

13.6 fps

13.0 fps

Diamond Viper V330 (PCI)

13.1 fps

12.5 fps

Hercules Thriller 3D (PCI)

15.1 fps

14.6 fps

Intergraph Intense 3D (PCI)



Matrox M3D (PCI)

7.9 fps

7.6 fps

On the low end, with the Cyrix 6x86MX, achieving high frame rates in Quake is a bit of a task.  Hands down, the best card for the job out of this roundup is the Creative Labs Voodoo 2.  However for those of you that either, 1) can't find the card as it is a rarity even in the hardware reviewer community, or 2) aren't willing to spend $200+ on a 3D-only accelerator, there are a few more options. 

The next best cards for the job are the Diamond Stealth II 3D, Hercules Thriller 3D, and Diamond Monster 3D.  Although in theory the Thriller 3D should be the fastest out of the three, the Stealth II 3D seems to have produced a 0.6 fps lead over the Thriller 3D, a lead that doesn't translate into much at all. 

I would still go for the Thriller 3D over the Stealth II since the Thriller 3D is also available in an 8MB version and in an AGP flavor as well...if you thought the PCI Thriller 3D was fast, just wait until we get a load of the AGP version.  Both Voodoo Rush cards tested here failed the Quake 2 test when using the Cyrix 6x86MX, I would attribute this to a driver problem, however it seems quite odd that both cards would freeze up during the Q2 Timedemo while the competition ran flawlessly.  In any case, the performance of Voodoo Rush boards using the 6x86MX isn't nearly as fast as that of the Rendition cards or the 3Dfx Voodoo cards so you have very little to worry about, especially considering that the pricetag of any Voodoo Rush card would fit much more appropriately on a Voodoo 2 card.

Quake 2 800 x 600 OpenGL Tests - Cyrix 6x86MX 200+

ATI Xpert@Work (AGP) 6.7 fps 6.6 fps
Creative Labs 3D Blaster V2 (PCI) 17.2 fps 16.8 fps

Once again, the Voodoo 2 chipset shines at 800 x 600, proving to the gaming world that there is a universe outside of the 640 x 480 world. 

The ATI Xpert@Work's scores here indicate that the 3D Rage Pro scales with processor performance somewhat, however the ceiling to the seemingly linear progression is closer than one would expect.  While you won't hit it with any normally clocked Socket-7 processors, Pentium II owners will quickly realize the limits to the 3D Rage Pro's power.  At 6.7 fps, 800 x 600 is virtually un-playable with the Xpert@Work on a 6x86MX, don't expect the final OpenGL drivers to boost performance further than 10 or 11 fps on average...just one of the tradeoffs you make when you buy a 6x86MX, you get a processor that is ferocious competitor in Business applications while at the same time you get a processor that can barely stay competitive when it comes to heavy FPU calculations. 

Previous Page - Cyrix 6x86MX Performance | Next Page - Pentium II Performance

Quake 2 640 x 480 OpenGL Tests - Pentium MMX 233

ATI Xpert@Work (AGP) 11.9 fps 12.2 fps
California Graphics 3DEmotion (PCI)

18.6 fps

18.6 fps

Canopus Total3D 128V (PCI)

19.8 fps

19.5 fps

Creative Labs 3D Blaster V2 (PCI) 33.1 fps 31.5 fps
Creative Labs GB EXXTREME (PCI)

12.4 fps

10.4 fps

Diamond Monster 3D (PCI)

23.7 fps

22.6 fps

Diamond Stealth II 3D (PCI)

16.9 fps

16.8 fps

Diamond Viper V330 (AGP)

21.2 fps

20.2 fps

Diamond Viper V330 (PCI)

19.4 fps

18.3 fps

Hercules Thriller 3D (PCI)

21.3 fps

21.2 fps

Intergraph Intense 3D (PCI)

17.1 fps

17.3 fps

Matrox M3D (PCI)

13.3 fps

12.8 fps

Due to its pipelined FPU, the Pentium MMX pushes the limits of the "Low-end" of the 3D Video Accelerator Comparison, a Pentium MMX Socket-7 system would be classified more accurately, under Quake 2 at least, as being a mid-range system.  The leader in this case, regardless of how you classify the Pentium MMX, is the Voodoo 2 yet again.

The ATI card does perform a little better under Quake 2 when paired with the Pentium MMX, however the new OpenGL drivers are still no reason to purchase a 3D Rage Pro based accelerator over the competing cards which offer much more for the money. 

Voodoo and Riva 128 accelerators seem offer outstanding performance on the Pentium MMX, although not up to par with the Voodoo 2, they still rack in the frames.  The Rendition V2x00 cards (Stealth II & Thriller 3D) also seem to do fairly well in Quake 2, all of those above choices being excellent alternatives to the newly released (and difficult to find) Voodoo 2 boards.

Quake 2 800 x 600 OpenGL Tests - Pentium MMX 233

ATI Xpert@Work (AGP) 8.9 fps 8.8 fps
Creative Labs 3D Blaster V2 (PCI) 29.1 fps 30.8 fps

Previous Page - Pentium MMX Performance | Next Page - Image Quality Comparison

Quake 2 640 x 480 OpenGL Tests - Pentium II 300

ATI Xpert@Work (AGP) 24.4 fps 25.3 fps
California Graphics 3DEmotion (PCI) 20.2 fps 20.5 fps
Canopus Total3D 128V (PCI) 37.1 fps 35.4 fps
Creative Labs 3D Blaster V2 (PCI) 65.6 fps 64.0 fps
Creative Labs GB EXXTREME (PCI) 15.0 fps 13.2 fps
Diamond Monster 3D (PCI) 25.6 fps 22.6 fps
Diamond Stealth II 3D (PCI)

17.8 fps

18.1 fps

Diamond Viper V330 (AGP)

37.3 fps

35.6 fps

Diamond Viper V330 (PCI)

36.1 fps

34.7 fps

Hercules Thriller 3D (PCI)

23.0 fps

23.2 fps

Intergraph Intense 3D (PCI)

19.1 fps

19.5 fps

Matrox M3D (PCI)

19.4 fps

17.4 fps

The Creative Labs Voodoo 2 steps forward yet again to stand out in the crowd of 12 cards here with the Pentium II, producing frame rates in excess of 64 fps, that is what you call smooth.  When paired up with a processor like the Pentium II, almost any video card will shine.

Even the Xpert@Work gives you frame rates closer to those of a Monster 3D under Quake 2, which is great news for those of you that happened to pick up this card a while back before the release of the beta OpenGL drivers.   Oddly enough, coming in last place is a Creative Labs card, the Permedia 2 based Graphics Blaster EXXTREME.  The Permedia 2 chipset isn't, by any means, a gaming chipset, and shouldn't be purchased with the intention of putting the icing on an ultimate gaming system.

Quake 2 800 x 600 OpenGL Tests - Pentium II 300

ATI Xpert@Work (AGP) 15.5 fps 16.1 fps
Creative Labs 3D Blaster V2 (PCI) 48.4 fps 48.9 fps


Quake 2 640 x 480 OpenGL Tests - Pentium II 375

ATI Xpert@Work (AGP) 24.4 fps 25.6 fps
Creative Labs 3D Blaster V2 (PCI) 71.4 fps 69.3 fps

Here you can see the contrasting sides of the performance scalability wheel, on one end you see the Xpert@Work which tops out at 300MHz on a Pentium II, and on the other end you see the Creative Labs Voodoo 2 which keeps on pumping out higher scores at 375MHz. 

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