Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/5497/amd-nods-at-shorter-design-cycles-more-synthesized-designs

The presentations we've seen from AMD thus far today haven't been very specific in terms of numbers, but there's a lot of reading between the lines that we can do here. AMD already mentioned that it's no longer interested in pursuing bleeding edge process technologies, but its CTO expanded on that idea by mentioning that AMD will transition to shorter design cycles. We got a hint of this transition with the annual Brazos/Llano cadence, but now it's official AMD policy to have shorter design cycles. These shorter design cycles will leverage lower amounts of custom block design and lean more on easily synthesizable architectures. The tradeoff is obviously performance but you do get better time to market. As was the case with Brazos however, if you can bring the right combination of technologies to market at the right time, the tradeoff is worth it. 

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