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  • Freename - Thursday, September 6, 2012 - link

    No option for those of us that want the front-lit screen but tactile buttons :/
  • Wolfpup - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    Yeah, super lame. I've read a couple books on my Nook 2...and touch screens on eInk are even lamer than on LCD tablets.

    Super disapointed the DX hasn't been updated either. It's always needed buttons on the other sides, it needs the new SOC + higher resolution screen + buttons on both sides and I'd buy a new one.

    Of course I still want one with color eInk for graphic novels and the like...

    The way things are going, I may end up switching back to regular books, because I really don't like reading on my iPad, and I really don't like the 6" eInk readers, and I hate hate hate touch screens.
  • Flunk - Saturday, September 8, 2012 - link

    If you want tactile buttons buy one now, it's only a matter of time before they burn through the existing stock and they're gone forever.
  • joshv - Thursday, September 6, 2012 - link

    Last time around I pre-ordered. F-that, this time around I am waiting for the reviews. The original Fire is a dog. It sits unused, with a dead battery it acquired after about 3 hours of usage. I simply got tired of charging the damned thing, and it doesn't sound like there's much of an improvement on that front.

    I am actually very interested in the 3G paperwhite. The reason I bought a Fire was because I lost my original kindle (e-ink) reader, and was tired of those damned clip on lights in bed.
  • quasi_accurate - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    Same thing happened to me. Pre-ordered it, got it, didn't like it. Then it sat for 2 weeks before I returned it back to Amazon. Now I have a Nexus 7, which I absolutely LOVE. Pretty much fixed every problem I had with the original Kindle Fire.
  • Samus - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    I still use a Nook Color, great tablet.
  • Impulses - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    This seems like a rushed announcement on Amazon's part to be honest, like they just had to get something out there before whatever Apple is planning next... Frankly I don't see why anyone would pick up either of the 7" models over the Nexus 7... The 8.9" model is intriguing tho, if only because Samsung's the only one that has paid that in-between form factor any attention (even tho they don't have a current gen Android tablet at 8.9").
  • Super56K - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    One big reason why: The Kindle branding resonates strongly with average consumers.
  • MScrip - Sunday, September 9, 2012 - link

    I think the iPad brand is resonating strongly in terms of tablet computers.

    But yeah... the Kindle brand has been around for a long time because of Amazon's e-ink readers.
  • nafhan - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    Don't discount the effect of a $40 price drop on something that only costs $200 to begin with, especially if it positions it as the cheapest tablet on the market (at least out of those worth considering). Also, if the "kid mode" thing works as well as advertised, the non-HD Kindle Fire looks like an ideal kids tablet.

    I'd still probably go with N7 for myself, though, and either way, always wait for reviews!
  • Jamezrp - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    As someone with a Nexus 7, the biggest reason I'd switch over is more space. The 8GB version (because the 16GB models are impossible to find) have no space for any of the HD shows I throw on. At least the Fire HD has, base, 16GB. Plus I get the feeling that the screen is much better than the Nexus 7's, which was only decent.
  • Wolfpup - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    The Nexus 7 is higher end hardware than the Fires are, probably better designed, and of course RUNNING REAL ANDROID which makes it better in and of itself. There's just zero reason to pick a Fire over a Nexus 7 or an iPad. At $100 I wouldn't pick a Fire over a Nexus 7 or iPad.
  • dagamer34 - Sunday, September 9, 2012 - link

    If Amazon and Google were only selling a product to geeks and nerds, running real Android would be a plus. But they aren't. I hate to be blunt, but it's all about the content stupid and Amazon is king there. It is no coincidence that the Kindle Fire outsold all other Android tablets because it actually provided a use case to buy one.
  • mcnabney - Monday, September 10, 2012 - link

    No, the Fire sold well because it was $200 cheaper than any other Android tablet. It was the worst possible Android experience...... but it was cheap.
  • tuxRoller - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    So, you played with a device for three hours and then the battery died, yet you didn't return it?
  • joshv - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    That was the last time I used it, months ago. I did use it for awhile to stream amazon movies over wi-fi, but I found I had to charge the thing every day, or even more frequently than that.
  • Articuno - Thursday, September 6, 2012 - link

    "Unlike previous Kindle e-readers though, all upcoming Kindle devices will come with Special Offers built-in. You can't opt-out of the service"

    If you expect me to pay over a hundred dollars and see ads on top of it, you're insane. And no, I don't care if they're "non-intrusive". I will not tolerate ads in a product I paid for.
  • coder543 - Thursday, September 6, 2012 - link

    the kindle e-readers will not all come with special offers, and you can opt out, and you can always root if you're gonna be that ridiculous.... Nuff said.

    The Kindle tablets on the other hand, are accurately described by what you quoted.
  • andrewaggb - Thursday, September 6, 2012 - link

    I think they are selling the fire tablets at cost (or close enough), with the expectation that you'll buy content and watch ads from amazon.

    I agree ads are obnoxious. But you can always buy a more expensive ad-free tablet from somebody else.
  • Jamezrp - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    Reports today are that Amazon may be making a way for users to opt-out, but they don't look promising thus far. Will update when we know more.
  • jahara21 - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    I just pre-ordered the 3G Kindle Paperwhite and it gave me the option to get it without the special offers for an additional $20 (bringing it up to $199).
  • marvdmartian - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    Don't know how the new Fire tablets will be, in this regard. But I picked up the lowest end Kindle reader a few months ago (Walmart had it for $79, with a $30 gift card....making it, effectively $49), and it's ad-supported.

    The ONLY time I see any ads is if it goes into standby (after a few minutes of no use, which gives you a full page ad), and if I go to the main menu, which gives you a little strip ad at the bottom of the screen.

    Since I'm not actively using the Kindle when it's in standby, that ad is completely non-instrusive. It's like having a commercial on, in the middle of your TV show, while you're going to the bathroom. The little strip ad is simply ignored. And while it's not really much of an option on an internet tablet, with my reader, I turn off the WiFi (to help battery life), and after a week, the ads are replaced by some fancy pattern, with small text asking you to please turn on WiFi, in order to download new ads.

    Yeah.......I'll get right on that one, Amazon! ;-)
  • Hemi345 - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    My thoughts exactly. B&N's Nook Color/Tablet might not have the eco system Amazon's Kindle Fires do, but the hardware is solid and well designed, expandability is there, and the user experience is right on.
  • joshv - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    So I take it that you don't subscribe to cable or satellite TV?
  • tecknurd - Saturday, September 8, 2012 - link

    The ads on Amazon Kindles made me go with a Barnes & Noble Nook Simple Touch. I selected the Glowlight version. Ads on a product that you paid for is pathetic. Marketing is playing tricks. Amazon should be sued for doing such tactic. It is like Paid Day loans because you are paying like 60% in interest which is against the law.
  • doubledeej - Thursday, September 6, 2012 - link

    Why does every tablet maker (aside from BlackBerry) put the speakers on the back, facing backward? Its almost like they want everybody in the room to hear your tablet but you. Come on, guys! Move the speakers to the front where they belong!
  • Samus - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    Tell me about it. My $2000 Samsung 3D LED TV has worse sound than my 30-year old Toshiba 25" clunker because the speakers face the brick wall behind it.

    When I buy a $2000 TV, I don't expect to have to buy an additional $500 soundbar to correct its shortcomings...and it's not just Samsung, it's EVERYONE. Not a single LCD TV I looked at put speakers on the front. Why? For asthetics? Does everyone all the sudden think they're Apple now? Form over function...right.
  • Impulses - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    My four or five year old Vizio TV has front firing speakers, they still sound like crap. Why would you need to spend $500 on a sound bar regardless? You can get a small amp and some bookshelf speakers for like half that much and they'll probably blow away most sound bars.
  • kmmatney - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    I second this. I also have a Vizio 50" plasma in the basement, with front speakers that suck. I just bought a $35 (on sale) set of logitech speakers + subwoofer - something like this:

    and it sounds great. I have a fancy surround systembuilt into my family room upstairs, which cost a lot more money, but this cheaper solution really isn't bad - as good or better than a sound bar.

    However a sound bar might be needed if you don't have a convenient place to put speakers.
  • bigboxes - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    You spend $2,000 on a TV and don't have a dedicated A/V system. Fail.
  • seapeople - Saturday, September 8, 2012 - link

    I'm with ya bro. I absolutely refuse to buy any Intel processors because they suck at gaming. When I buy a $300+ processor, I don't expect to have to buy an additional $200 graphics card to correct it's gaming shortcomings. Why do computer companies put such horrible graphics units on their CPU processors? Do they think they're Apple or something?
  • Impulses - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    ASUS' first tablet had side firing speakers, they're in the holes used for the docking mechanism clips... Of course that muffles them a lot docked. Honestly I don't see what the big is, they're tablet speakers... As long as sound actually comes out I don't expect a whole lot. Most phones have rear facing speakers and if you cup your hand around it you'll do a decent job of reflecting the sound.
  • doubledeej - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    But why should we have to do that? Shouldn't the person actually using a device get louder and better sound than everyone else in the room? It's crazy, and nearly every manufacturer is guilty.
  • Belard - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    My 4 year old SONY dumb phone has stereo speakers in the front.... my 2yr old Galaxy (like all other Samsung phones and most others period) have the speaker in the back...

    Guess which one is my Alarm clock that will actually WAKE ME UP?!
  • coder543 - Thursday, September 6, 2012 - link

    Maybe I just misread, but you seem convinced previous kindles had microSD card slots. The original was the only one that ever did.
  • Jamezrp - Thursday, September 6, 2012 - link

    You're right, only the original Kindle e-reader had expandable memory. But I'll wait until Amazon openly confirms it before stating that none of the newer Kindle devices don't have it. But I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't.
  • Arbie - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    Wouldn't they have been visible to you if they exist? SD cards are a must for me. No SD, no deal.
  • Jamezrp - Sunday, September 9, 2012 - link

    Not necessarily, especially with cables sticking out and SD cards nowadays tucked behind back covers. But considering how slow SD cards are and how so many companies would rather avoid them altogether...probably none of the Kindles will support expandable memory.
  • satai - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    Are there any new fonts in paperwhite?
  • Jamezrp - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    I could be mistaken, but I seem to recall (I was busy writing/taking photos at the time) that there will be a ton of new fonts available.
  • Thrakazog - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    I'm thinking Amazon is gonna catch H.E. double hockey sticks for this. All models of the Fire, both HD and regular, are ad-supported. But no mention of it in the presentation. On Amazon's website, all pictures of the fire with the home screen up fail to show the ads.....even though it clearly states (if you click on the link in the description) that the home screen will have ads on it. I really thought they had something here......but every other manufacturer can just sell at the same high prices they always have and advertise "Ad-Free" now.......
  • MadMan007 - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    Leaving lights on to read is a hassle, wastes precious electricity, and isn't very easy on the eyes

    "...isn't very easy on the eyes." What? The human eye evolved to see things based on reflected light. If anything isn't easy on the eyes it's reading backlit screens like LCDs. I do not understand how this phrase can be applied to an e-ink screen on page 2.
  • Jamezrp - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    Our eyes are more easily stressed when we try to read in low-light conditions, or more specifically, when there is a lot of light contrast and we try to pick up on details, like text, under poor light. Now if you've got a reasonable reading lamp, then you won't have any problems. But if you're like me, and likely millions of other people who don't use a reading lamp or a light source directed specifically for a book/e-reader, then it can cause eye-strain.

    In relation to that, an e-reader with a built-in light source eliminates that problem by lighting up the letters themselves, or more accurately, the surrounding area. This removes the eye-strain in the exact same way: by removing the light contrast and making it easier for our eyes to adjust to the light levels and not strain to pick up on the text.
  • smartypnt4 - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    I hate to nitpick (username notwithstanding), but the Infinity uses a 1920x1200 screen, which is a 16:10 ratio, not a 1080p screen with a 16:9 ratio.

    Incidentally, I'd never buy a 16:9 tablet. I've owned the new iPad and now I have a 16:10 android tablet, and I can say that I definitely wouldn't want a tablet any skinnier in portrait than a 16:10 ratio.
  • Jamezrp - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    You're absolutely right. Mistake on my part. No need to apologize for the nit-picking, really appreciate it!
  • nitram_tpr - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link


    In the spec comparison table it shows the 8.9 HD as having a 1920 * 1080 screen, in the write up you say it is a 1920 * 1200. Which is it?


  • Jamezrp - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    Indeed, it's 1920x1200. That's a mistake, which will be corrected immediately. Thanks for catching that Martin!
  • GoSharks - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    From your article last year:
    "The Kindle Touch is Amazon's first touchscreen e-reader - past Kindles have used nothing but buttons for navigation, even as competing products like Barnes & Noble's Nook Simple Touch began to incorporate touchscreens. At $99 and $149 for the wi-fi and 3G versions ($139 and $189 for the ad-free Kindles),"

    Your 2011 Kindle Touch prices are wrong in this article.
  • silvester51 - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    Does this imply that the new kindle is waterproof?
  • Belard - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    These actually look kind of like iPads...

    Somehow Apple isn't suing them... yet?

    They are rectangles with curved corners.
  • Death666Angel - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    I am currently owning a cheap tablet that has all I need (1280 IPS panel, 10.1", Cortex A9 Dual Core 1.6GHz, Mali-400, 16GB, mSD Slot, HDMI out). The 8.9" Fire HD looks very nice, but I won't upgrade just to get a better screen. When I upgrade (sometime next year maybe), I will want a better screen and at least a better SoC.
    If I didn't have a tablet, yet, the 8.9" would be very tempting, because of the prize mostly and I like the form factor. The other announcements are not something of interest to me.

    Also, the table on the first page has the 8.9" Fire HD as having a 1080p panel. That is kinda confusing.
  • HighTech4US - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    --> I am currently owning a cheap tablet that has all I need (1280 IPS panel, 10.1", Cortex A9 Dual Core 1.6GHz, Mali-400, 16GB, mSD Slot, HDMI out)

    Could you elaborate as to who makes and what the model is for this inexpensive tablet. It sounds interesting. Thanks.
  • Death666Angel - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    It's called "Cube U30GT". It is a chinese made tablet with a RockChip RK3066 SoC. There are other similar products like "Window/Yuandao N101 II" (same as Cube nearly, but 32GB), "PIPO Max M1" (the latter is a 9.7" with the usual 1024x768 resolution).
    There are a few problems with it of course (even brand devices have them):
    - quality control is lacking and some people get defects like dead pixels, mushy/unresponding buttons, dead charger, backlight bleed and apparently some tablets were sent out with MVA panels (but there is a exchange program now running I believe)
    - it currently runs Android 4.1.1 but there are some bugs (bluetooth audio delay when watching videos), custom ROMs are being developed though
    - some people report mSD card corruption or that it does not get detected in the first place
    - some people report sub-optimal WiFi reception
    - in order to get full market access you have to do some modding (built.prop and permissions folder)

    The only issue my own tablet has is moderate backlight bleed, but I only notice it in dark rooms with dark scenes on the tablet. I can play any game I have tried so far. I paid 250€ for it because I got it through an importer (it was still 100 to 150€ cheaper than any of the brand tablets I could buy here and faster to boot). If I had bought it from China via aliexpress or the like, people got it for $200 (some more, some less). It is similar to these Korean 27" 2560x1440 monitors that anandtech reported on a couple months back. You can save a great deal of money, but there are risks inherent in the process.
    I was lucky enough that everything worked out great. I've had it for nearly 3 months now and had a great time with it. In the light the Nexus7 and the new Archos devices, the competition definitely got bigger.
    There are good communities about this device out there, flashmyandroid and slatedroid have dedicated forums if you want more information on it.
    It may not be for you or the majority of others, but it is worth checking out at least. RK3066 is trading blows with Tegra3 and other big SoCs that get more coverage and battery life for my tablet is very solid (about 5 to 6 hours of gaming).
  • Roland00Address - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    If your tablet has flash (which you can add to the nexus by sideloading), and you have an amazon prime account you can watch amazon instant videos on any tablet via using a browser with "desktop mode." Log into your amazon account. If the video you are watching is free it will say Prime instant videos Watch Now Unlimited Streaming $0.00.

    Unlike netflix you can stream the joy of the West Wing for free.

    Unfortunately there isn't a dedicated app that would making browsing simpler. The Ipad has recently got a dedicated app but that is probably due to the fact that the Ipad doesn't have flash.
  • HighTech4US - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    It looks like the 7" models are only clocked at 1.2 GHz vs 1.5 GHz for the 8.9" model.

    "but the OMAP 4460 inside the 7-inch Kindle Fire HD is likely to end up slower since it’s pretty much the same chip that we tested in Galaxy Nexus last year. It ends up significantly slower in most benchmarks than the latest flagship phones."

    No access to Google Play store and again comes with an older customized version of Android.

    "It will be interesting to give this device a test ride, but some of the application we like to test might not be available at the Amazon app store as Kindle Fire in any variation uses some kind of Android now based on 4.0, but doesn’t come with native Play Store support, which is kind of a big thing if you ask us."

    Also what sensors are lacking in the Fire's?

    The Nexus 7 has: Microphone, NFC (Android Beam), Accelerometer, GPS, Magnetometer, Gyroscope
  • Peroxyde - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link


    I would like to know if it is possible to make the Kindle HD a regular Android tablet? By replacing Amazon system by stock Android or may be even a custom ROM.
  • Roland00Address - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    If it has a locked bootloader it would be hard maybe impossible. The original fire had a locked bootloader but eventually ways were found around it.

    That said why would you want the Kindle HD? There are other 1920x1200 tablets on the market right now where you will not have to hack Amazon. Asus TF700, Acer A700, Huawei MediaPad 10, as well as soon to be several Windows 8/RT tablets with similar screens.
  • Peroxyde - Saturday, September 8, 2012 - link

    You are right, indeed. It would be simpler to buy an Android tablet rather than hacking the Kindle HD. I wanted to know if it is technically possible. Because if it is easy, and if the Kindle HD has a decent market share, it might be worth the troubles.
  • dagamer34 - Saturday, September 8, 2012 - link

    Price? None of those tablets cost $299.
  • James5mith - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    Should be 1920x1200, not 1920x1080.

    16:10 vs. 16:9.
  • AmdInside - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    Since I already have an iPad 2, nothing in the new Kindles makes me want to pick it up as an upgrade. The Kindle Paperwhite is interesting and may pick it up but I hate how they lowered the amount of memory.
  • seapeople - Saturday, September 8, 2012 - link

    I bet people who own Audi's aren't too impressed with new Corolla's, either.
  • kllrnohj - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    "Both screens are also very dense, at 254 ppi. "

    This is true. It is for the 8.9, but the 7" HD has a 1280x800 screen which puts it at 215 ppi - that's quite a bit lower than 254.
  • kllrnohj - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    Gah, that should be "this *isn't* true" :/
  • Jamezrp - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    If you're going to correct even yourself, I suppose I should correct my error too.
  • exostrife - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    Can't wait to see some reviews.

    I had the original Fire for the same reason as many: it was cheap. I recently sold it with an eye towards upgrading while the old unit still had resale value and the new Kindle's seem like a great package.

    I was tempted by the Nexus 7 but held off because it didn't really address my prime complaints about the Fire. The extra performance is nice, but honestly wasn't a huge factor for me for what I use the tablet for, and likewise, the other additions it had were not front burner issues for my usage.

    Personally, I use my desktop for most computing tasks. Being touch screen based and battery powered, tablets aren't really useful for most tasks I use my desktop for. To compare them to a laptop, there is no value proposition there as the laptop will easily trump in usability (keyboard etc.) and power for less or same money. Really a tablet is good for media consumption, e-reading, light web tasks, and casual gaming. Essentially--stuff that your smartphone is good at but that is greatly improved by having a larger screen, with just a pinch of stuff you might do on your computer but you'll deal with some pokeyness to be able to do it in a prone position. Some might see a tablet as a laptop replacement, but for me I see the interaction method, power, network speed, storage (etc.) to be an unacceptable trade-off (and I don't commute for hours on a train etc, where I'd like to do work with the least encumbrance possible).

    To me the new Kindle's hit my usage model better than the Nexus 7. My two biggest complaints on the original Fire were the storage space and no video out. The new Fire HD doesn't give me the SD slot I wanted, but it does bump the internal storage and gives the HDMI out. To me this is huge because now the tablet can be used to replace a Roku, not to mention it lets you share photos and videos with family on a big screen. Adding bluetooth opens the possibility of this maybe even giving some sort of Ouya like gaming experience with a separate controller. It also means you could potentially get a real keyboard, or maybe even some sort of local NAS for more storage. If they had a MicroSD slot these things would be a slam dunk for what I think a tablet is good for, and the fact of the matter is, no one makes one with this performance, video out, and a micro sd.

    No jellybean? Haven't used it, can't miss it. The fact that it is a forked Android is more noise than problem too--I've bought 5 Android phones for my family in the last 2 years and used another half dozen at work, and they all roll their own UI anyway. If you can't have the Play store this is of slight consideration, as side-loading APK's is easy and based on my experience with the original Fire, mostly effective.

    I have used many tablets because of work and I just don't see the point of most (including iPad)--they just cost too much money for what they are good at. I think this is what the market is finally starting to get with Google and Amazon more on the money than most.
  • Shadowmaster625 - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    Please for the love of god someone give me a wifi-optimized RDP app that gives me a fluid interface to my 1080p desktop PC from my 1080p tablet. It should be possible to get at least 30 fps over wifi, using compression. Once we have that, we can talk about bringing the same thing to a truly remote PC.
  • Roland00Address - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    Been using it for about a year now
  • Shadowmaster625 - Tuesday, September 11, 2012 - link

    Yeah well how are you supposed to plug a mouse and keyboard into a stupid icrap? I'm talking about RDP that makes a tablet into a full fledged workstation. So obviously it needs mouse and keyboard support. And not using some stupified $100 iRipoff peripherals either.
  • SantaAna12 - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    "Amazon is not allowing benchmarks at this time" Pffffffffft. End of fact.....why are you writing it?
  • Larrin - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    The Archos 101 XS has the 4470, and showed good performance but poor battery life. If the HD 8.9" only has a few hours of battery life it will be very disappointing. Is there any way that won't be the case? Would it need a massive battery like the iPad 3, or was the Archos just poorly designed?
  • SanX - Friday, September 7, 2012 - link

    James Pikover wrote "The iPad, by comparison, has a 9.7" 2048 x 1536 4:3 display. The Fire HD 8.9 hits a pleasant median between not enough and too much pixel real estate"

    What level of tech education do you have? iPad has only 264PPI, looks like close to the 300DPI of regular printing materials but in fact due to regular placement of its subpixels ipad must have 300*sqrt(2)=424 or 3300x2475. Only then it will approach minimum of "too much pixels" which is absolutely needed for resolving of all small fonts.
  • HisDivineOrder - Saturday, September 8, 2012 - link

    Ads on the lockscreen kill any interest I might have in any Kindle Fire. I'm sorry. No. Just no. If I pay $300 for a tablet, I don't want ads on my lockscreen. Nice try, Amazon. Better luck next time.

    Hopefully, Google will release more Nexus tablets that show Amazon how it's done. Ad-free.
  • Flying Goat - Saturday, September 8, 2012 - link

    Those tablets all look like they have an absolutely huge bezel.
  • Origin64 - Sunday, September 9, 2012 - link

    It's a shame Amazon is walling its hardware off completely from the Google services I want to use, like the Play Store. It'd be a very nice tablet for a very nice price if they'd fix that.
  • Sub Zero - Sunday, September 9, 2012 - link

    The hardware looks like a nice step up. But if you don't actually OWN the content you buy from Amazon, it doesn't seem worth it at all.

    If they stop copy-protecting their Audible books and state in their purchase agreements that the eBooks, Audibooks and Music that you purchase from them is OWNED by you just like Audio CD's and hardcover books are, then maybe it'd be worth investing in their hardware.
  • ol1bit - Sunday, September 9, 2012 - link


    Goggle has ads, but I have used a Kindle Fire. You can't even get it to activate without a CC. Way to much money potential loss. I put in a pay as you go cc just so it would work for my Niece, who's parents don't have a CC!

    Stupid. Doesn't say anywhere I seen CC required for use!

    Get the Goggle Nexus tablet, or as I did the ASUS Transformer prime. Much more open.
  • shunya9010 - Sunday, September 9, 2012 - link

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  • Wardrop - Monday, September 10, 2012 - link

    Not sure about the name "Paperwhite". Makes me think of "Paperweight" every time I say it. Not a good connotation for a product to carry.
  • svetlyo - Thursday, September 13, 2012 - link

    "The e-readers will be available sooner to over 100 countries. "

    No one seems to know about the ETA of the Kindle Paperwhite for international shipping. The Kindle Touch became available for international customers 4-5 months after its introduction.
    Do you have some information about the situation this year?
  • Jenab6 - Saturday, January 19, 2013 - link

    I am looking for a way to transfer ebooks between a Kindle Paperwhite and an SD card, using USB cables and a minimum of other hardware. My library is expected to run to about 4000 books, and I want them all local. The linking hardware must be powered by rechargeable batteries, but it should be less power-hungry than a laptop. (I'll buy a laptop to solve this problem, if necessary, but there ought to be a battery-operated device that will do these transfers with a lower power requirement.) The best solution would be for Amazon to create and sell its own brand of expanded storage media for the Kindle Paperwhite. I'd buy one. I don't want to jailbreak my Kindle, but I will if I have to, in order to get the ability to increase the storage with SD cards.

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