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  • timecop1818 - Tuesday, November 27, 2018 - link

    Considering they're listing Conformal coating/Underfill as optional things on the product page, I'd imagine all these will be custom-made to order for a specific customer.
  • blu42 - Tuesday, November 27, 2018 - link

    So basically a half-populated dimm for those boards that still want to use dimms but on a narrower 32-bit bus (where you'd waste half the capacity of a fully-populated dimm).

    BTW, this part reads weirdly: 'processors featuring Arm, RISC, or RISC-V architectures'. RISC is not an architecture but a class, or a paradigm, of architectures, and both arm and risc-v are RISC architectures.
  • hamjudo - Tuesday, November 27, 2018 - link

    Would it look better as Arm, RISC-V, and other RISC class members?
    Alas, even if it is electrically compatible with the SoC from a Raspberry Pi, the GPU is stuck at 1GB. All memory access goes through the GPU. So no 8GB Raspberry Pi's until the next generation.
  • blu42 - Tuesday, November 27, 2018 - link

    > Would it look better as Arm, RISC-V, and other RISC class members?

    Definitely. BTW, there's a MIPS (another RISC) consumer SBC on the market right now, which SBC could make good use of these half-populated dimms -- the Baikal-T1 BFK 3.1 board uses so-dimms on a 32-bit bus.
  • priya77 - Sunday, December 2, 2018 - link

    Where I can buy it?

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