Subjective Analysis

 DisplayMate/CheckScreen/VESA FPDM 2.0
 Test  Monitor  Observations
Intensity range check XP17 (digital) 4.5
XP17 (analog) 4.5
2001FP (digital) 5
2001FP (analog) 5, Good
Black level adjustment XP17 (digital) 5, Excellent, but glare becomes more apparent
XP17 (analog) 5
2001FP (digital) 4.5
2001FP (analog) 4.5, Acceptable
Defocusing, blooming and halos check XP17 (digital) 5, None
XP17 (analog) 5
2001FP (digital) 5, None
2001FP (analog) 5, None
Screen uniformity and color purity XP17 (digital) 4.5, Uniform, pure, accuracy issues?
XP17 (analog) 4.5
2001FP (digital) 4.5+
2001FP (analog) 4.5+, better than 192T, but still small imperfection on upper right
Dark screen (Glare Test) XP17 (digital)
2, Distractingly present
XP17 (analog)
2001FP (digital)
2001FP (analog)
4.5, Improvement over 1702FP and 192T
Primary colors XP17 (digital) 4, Issues but corrected with OptiCal
XP17 (analog) 4
2001FP (digital) 4
2001FP (analog) 4, attempted to fix curves with OptiCal
Color Scales XP17 (digital) 3.5, Difficult to ascertain correct scales due to glare
XP17 (analog) 3.5
2001FP (digital) 4, red errors
2001FP (analog) 4, red errors
16 intensity levels XP17 (digital) 4, Extreme darks fade too quickly
XP17 (analog) 4
2001FP (digital) 4.5+
2001FP (analog) 4.5+, Improvement over the 192T
Screen regulation XP17 (digital) 5
XP17 (analog) 4
2001FP (digital) 5
2001FP (analog) 4.5
Streaking and ghosting XP17 (digital) 5, None
XP17 (analog) 4, Present but expected
2001FP (digital) 5, None
2001FP (analog) 3.5, Extremely present at 1600x1200. Analog signal is not capable.

Undoubtedly, for all its advances, the Shuttle XP17 has a major glare problem. In many cases, it was difficult to get accurate readings from our instruments because there was too much glare coming off the unit. In a darker environment, glare disappears quickly, but spending too much time in front of an LCD in a dark lit room will assure your eyesight to disappear quickly as well. The monitor sits on a 5 degree slant upwards instead of completely vertical, which contributes to the issues of glare and reflection. Given proper lighting and orientation (or extremely light background applications), glare can be reduced on the monitor; but we almost always noticed a clear reflection in the glass bezel.

As either a result of the glare or perhaps a separate issue itself, playing Max Payne proved very difficult because of the extreme contrasts. Areas that should have been very dark appear to melt all into the same shade of black, which somewhat negates the purpose of a fast response time LCD. That being said, the black level of the LCD is phenomenal; although, part of it may be a trick on the eyes due to the glass bezel. The quicker response time was noticeable on UT2004 and Halo.

Full Screen Application Final Thoughts
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  • marcusgdaniels - Wednesday, September 1, 2004 - link

    In light of the claim that there is a new model shipping with better anti-glare coating, I am not encouraged to see that there is a no refund/no return policy on the XP17. It makes one wonder if they are shipping less `perfect' units to overeager buyers...
  • Jyrinx - Friday, August 13, 2004 - link

    Oh, yeah, I forgot my point :-) So, do you suppose you'll be amending the review, or does Shuttle only get one chance? (Not sure what your policy is; I'd just like to know if you would think better of the monitors as available now.)

  • Jyrinx - Friday, August 13, 2004 - link

    Hey - I just got word from Shuttle that (contrary to common sense) they sent you a crappier demo than the production units (as agrees with the word on the street), and that the ones shipping have nicer anti-glare/reflection coating on them. Here's the original e-mail:


    Thank you for contacting Shuttle Computer.

    That XP17 monitor we sent to reviewer Anadtech was the first demo
    product we have, so it is not as perfect as the product we just released

    The product we have now has anti-glare coat on each monitor.

    If you have any question, please let us know.

    Thank you.

    Sonic Tseng
    Account Executive
    Shuttle Computer Group,Inc.
    Phone:(626)820-9000 ext.201
    Email: [email protected]


    [email protected]
  • fragstar - Wednesday, August 11, 2004 - link

    refering to your comments that the Neovo monitor didn't have a glare issue, I took the panel off my monitor to show the world how bad viewing the neovo monitor really is.

    Check out my thread in the video section of the forums for pictures
  • MadAd - Tuesday, August 3, 2004 - link

    Going slighly off topic, I hope you are going to be evaluating the L2335 sometime soon? (16ms 23" tft)

    Thx Kris
  • KristopherKubicki - Thursday, July 29, 2004 - link

    nullpointerus: Yeah, glare was an issue, but plain old reflection was terrible too - which is probably much worse!

  • KristopherKubicki - Thursday, July 29, 2004 - link

    nullpointerus: I like your suggestion. Consider it done for the next review.

  • nullpointerus - Thursday, July 29, 2004 - link

    And if you think Max Payne can stress test the glare on a display, you should try running one of the Thief series. You will *kill* your eyes if you don't have the right setup. If glare is such a big issue, maybe someone at Anandtech could incorporate this game into the display articles?
  • nullpointerus - Thursday, July 29, 2004 - link

    It sounds like that 17" LCD is just what I'm looking for provided I can eliminate the glare problem. Kinda negates its usefulness as a LAN gaming LCD if you have to tote around an easily-smudged glare filter, though.

    Just an FYI for Anandtech readers: glare can usually be fixed by removing glare emitting light sources (e.g. putting room darkening blinds over windows, switching to properly angled halogen lights) and by purchasing a decent glare filter (e.g. Fellowes) which can usually be had at a good price on eBay.
  • CRXican - Thursday, July 29, 2004 - link

    Have you guys checked out the price tag? They want $650 for that thing. Rip off!!!

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