Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/4827/idf-2011-recap-and-announcing-pipeline
IDF 2011 Recap and Announcing Pipeline
by Anand Lal Shimpi on September 16, 2011 7:02 PM EST- Posted in
- CPUs
- Intel
- Site Updates
- IDF 2011
- Trade Shows
A little over a month ago we quietly introduced a new section to AnandTech called Pipeline. You'll find it in the right hand column of the site where we display the most recent 7 stories. The goal behind Pipeline is simple: to bring timely reporting on news that may not be deserving of the full AnandTech review treatment. These short stories won't replace our review content, they will simply augment it. The Pipeline team today is five-strong: Andrew Cunningham, Craig Getting, Jason Inofuentes, Kristian Vättö and Saumitra Bhagwat. Although if any of us from the reviews team find ourselves in a situation to post over there we will, as you may have already seen. Similarly, you may see (and have seen already) reviews from our Pipeline team.
Stories posted in Pipeline follow our same basic editorial guidelines. We have strict policies against sensationalism, link baiting and rumor mongering - we have no desire to contribute to the "we heard Apple is working on a new shoe!" noise on the web today, Pipeline is simply our way to get out little nuggets of information that we feel are interesting while we're working on the bigger reviews. You may even see bits and pieces of our really big reviews highlighted in Pipeline (e.g. our Mali-400 Pipeline story). If you follow us via RSS, Pipeline stories already appear in the main feed. If you'd like a Pipeline specific feed click here, or our normal long form only feed has now moved here. Pipeline posts also appear on our Twitter account and Facebook page.
Since we posted a ton of IDF coverage in Pipeline over this past week I thought I'd round it all up here in a post in case anyone missed it. Below is everything we covered at IDF (and yes, that Ivy Bridge tech piece is still coming - I've had a busier than expected couple of days of meetings - sorry for the delay :)):
Ivy Bridge
- Counting Transistors: Why 1.16B and 995M Are Both Correct
- Ivy Bridge: 1.4B Transistors
- Ivy Bridge Overclocking: Ratio Changes Without Reboot, More Ratios and DDR3-2800
- Ivy Bridge CPU Architecture Details Revealed
- And Now: Ivy Bridge GPU Architectures Detailed
- Ivy Bridge Will Bring a 35W Quad-Core i7
- Ivy Bridge Configurable TDP Detailed
- Ivy Bridge GPU Performance: Up to 60% Faster than SNB & Better QuickSync
- AMD's 28nm GPU Demoed, Release Later This Year
- Look Out Bulldozer, Here Comes Trinity: AMD's 2012 Demo on Video at IDF
- AMD Sets World Overclocking Record with 8.429GHz Bulldozer Processor
- Pricing Revealed for First AMD Bulldozer FX Chips
Smartphones & Tablets
- Google: All Future Versions of Android Will be Optimized for Intel x86
- Intel's Unified Design: Core & Atom Now Under One Roof
- Intel Oculus: Preparing Intel for Competition in Smartphones & Tablets
- Intel's Medfield Gingerbread Smartphone Reference Platform
- Intel's Honeycomb Reference Tablet: 8.9mm Thick, Medfield Inside
Notebooks & Ultrabooks
- Ultrabooks on Video: Rapid Start & Smart Connect
- LG's Shuriken Self Refreshing Panel Aims to Improve Notebook Battery Life by Up to an Hour
- Meet the Ultrabooks: OEM and ODMs Show Off Designs at IDF
- LaCie's Little Big Disk Thunderbolt Chassis at IDF
- Tons of Thunderbolt Peripherals at IDF
- Meet the 2012 Thunderbolt Controllers: Cactus Ridge
- Intel Discloses Cherryville & Hawley Creek SSDs: Intel's Fastest SSD in Q4
Intel's Partners & Sandy Bridge E
- First Look at Gigabyte's UEFI Setup on X79
- IDF 2011: Lucid Announces Virtu Universal MVP Featuring HyperFormance Technology
- Kingston Shows off Business SF-2281 SSD & 64GB Sandy Bridge E
- X79 Motherboards from Gigabyte & MSI at IDF 2011
- Sandy Bridge E: Live at IDF
- Corsair Enters the Gaming Keyboard & Mouse Market with Vengeance
The Future
- Rattner Shows off Near Threshold Voltage Intel Architecture CPU
- Intel and Micron Develop Hybrid Memory Cube, Stacked DRAM is Coming
- First Shot of Haswell, Working Demo at IDF
- Haswell Design Complete
- Haswell Will Enable 10 Days of Connected Standby Battery Life