Original Link: https://www.anandtech.com/show/12110/amd-releases-radeon-software-crimson-relive-edition-17114
AMD Releases Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.11.4
by Nate Oh on December 4, 2017 9:00 AM EST
Late last week, AMD released Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.11.4, bringing a few bug fixes and support for the Oculus Dash open beta and DOOM VFR ahead of their launches. As a more minor update, 17.11.4 comes right after the 17.11.3 Radeon RX Vega Hotfix, and is likely the last version of Crimson ReLive Edition as AMD gears up for their yearly major driver update in Radeon Software Adrenalin Edition, coming later this month.
For Oculus Dash, the feature is part of Rift Core 2.0, Oculus’ own software overhaul for their desktop application. Now that it is December, the update is available as an open beta after enrolling in the Public Test Channel, available under the Oculus app settings. The Dash feature is essentially the system menus and UI in the form of a VR overlay, running on top of VR applications or games. Along with Home, the combined concept is reminiscent of Cliff House in Windows Mixed Reality. Dash is built on the React VR framework and can only run as an overlay on Windows 10. VR features are often better explained visually, so we’ve included the Oculus Dash introductory video below.
Although the 17.11.3 release notes appear inaccessible at this time, the hotfix featured only one documented change: resolving intermittent crashing on some Radeon RX Vega series graphics. 17.11.4 adds on two more RX Vega related bugfixes, resolving system instability caused by adjusting HBCC segment size on certain configurations of RX Vega cards, as well as RX Vega reporting incorrect power and clock values. Additionally, AMD resolved system hangs when switching display modes in Star Wars Battlefront II on CrossFire configurations.
In terms of known issues, most of the ones documented have been noted in previous driver updates. The list of open issues is as follows:
- Intermittent or random hanging in Overwatch; disabling ReLive may resolve the hanging.
- Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Siege may hang when breaching walls with grenades or explosives.
- Rise of the Tomb Raider hangs intermittently during gameplay.
- Some desktop productivity apps may experience latency when dragging or moving windows.
- Intermittent stability issues while enabling/disabling HBCC on RX Vega cards.
- A random system hang may be experienced after extended periods of use on system configurations using 12 GPUs for compute workloads.
- The GPU Workload feature may cause a system hang when switching to “Compute” while CrossFire is enabled; a workaround is to disable CrossFire before switching the toggle to “Compute workloads.”
- Resizing the Radeon Settings window may cause the user interface to stutter or exhibit corruption temporarily.
- Unstable Radeon WattMan profiles may not be restored to default after a system hang.
The updated drivers for AMD’s desktop, mobile, and integrated GPUs are available through the Radeon Settings tab or online at the AMD driver download page. More information on this update and further issues can be found in the Radeon Software Crimson ReLive Edition 17.11.4 release notes.
Source: AMD