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  • danjw - Friday, August 29, 2014 - link

    I think you meant "full size 110mm drives" not "full side 110mm drives".
  • xgt&7etdg - Friday, August 29, 2014 - link

    Can you really do dual M.2 PCIe 3.0 4x with this board? Do any one of you know a motherboard that can do this without the adapter (natively)?
  • Redstorm - Friday, August 29, 2014 - link

    Asrock OC Formula and Professional can do 2 m.2 without an adapter.
  • SirKnobsworth - Friday, August 29, 2014 - link

    It looks like most of the X99 models we're seeing today can. Most Z97 boards are 2.0 x2 but a few aren't. Really the only distinction is hooking up the M.2 slot to the CPU rather than the PCH.
  • Lithium - Friday, August 29, 2014 - link

    NO NO NO
    Specifications in that table must be wrong.
    Black x16 slot should be 8 lines direct from CPU and it should disable second red slot.
    Than it can do triple SLI with space between and one sound card for DTS Connect.

    Seems that ASRock X99 WS can do triple SLI with space and support DTS Connect.
    But only with 40 line CPU-s.

    ANAND HELP...clarify this as you always did.
  • Lithium - Friday, August 29, 2014 - link

    Triple SLI with space between
    Done a little research on this topic:

    EVGA X99 FTW and Classified splits PCI-E lines just beautifully.
    Space only with 40 lines CPU-s.

    ASRock X99 WS with 40 lines CPU-s need clarification.

    ASUS Rampage IV Extreme 40 lines CPU-s need clarification.

    And than biggest question off them all.
    Can ASUS X99-E WS do it with 28 lines CPU-s.
    The P9X79-E WS uses two PLX PEX 8747.
    If X99 does same, with 28 lines CPU-s it is possible to supply PLX chips with only 8 lines.

    Please pay attention on PCI-E lines split out in reviews.
    And DTS Connect support too.
  • Etern205 - Saturday, August 30, 2014 - link

    On Asus site, that Plx chip provides a additional 48 lanes. So if you got a 40 lane cpu with this plx chip, you get a total of 88 pcie lanes.
  • pdf - Friday, August 29, 2014 - link

    Why isn't everyone just doing audio via HDMI in 2014, instead of crap like DTS?
  • Sabresiberian - Saturday, August 30, 2014 - link

    Because my headphones don't come with an HDMI connector? Because the mainstream computer user doesn't use a separate receiver with HDMI input powering their speakers? Because HDMI doesn't supply any power, just a signal?

    Because I understand that HDMI from a video card is subject to the quality of the drivers supplied by the GPU manufacturer, and isn't just a pass-through? Maybe I'd rather put my trust in someone that actually makes sound components than someone that makes video components and throws sound in on the side.

    Because (hypothetically) my sound solution uses a set of powered speakers, and I can put the power part of that, built into the "sub-woofer", under my desk, but I would have to put a receiver somewhere that it wouldn't be subject to the dirt that putting something on the floor is, and I don't have room for that kind of thing on top of my desk or on a shelf nearby, and my powered speakers don't have an HDMI input?

    Because I'm not an ignorant elitist (back in the day we'd just call you a snob) that goes around bashing standards I have no clue what are, much less how they effect the sound I'm listening to? Your comment about DTS being "crap" is just silly.
  • devione - Saturday, August 30, 2014 - link

    *stands up and claps enthusiastically*
  • wireframed - Saturday, August 30, 2014 - link

    You realize you can get DTS over HDMI? HDMI is just an interface, DTS is an encoding standard. It's like saying why are we still using cars when we have mobile phones.

    Also, DTS-HD is *excellent* quality. Even with DTS, you'll get good enough fidelity that unless you've put a few thousand into *each* speaker, you're unlikely to notice a large difference.
  • staberind - Sunday, August 31, 2014 - link

    When amplifiers, powered speakers and headphones all have hdmi connectors, your question would be relevant, until then, I`ll stick with my senny`s, thanks, instead of my tbqh, monitors crappy speakers.
    Have you overclocked your washing machine?
  • Assimilator87 - Sunday, August 31, 2014 - link

    Yes, I got it up to 10K RPM without that back and forth rubbish.
  • tyaiyama - Sunday, September 21, 2014 - link

    Deluxe M/B supports ECC & RDIMM because the memory controller is in the Xeon which is a supported CPU of Deluxe just like WS M/B. Deluxe spec. does not say it supports ECC & RDIMM; thus BIOS may not supports it. If you use up to 2 GPU & 1 Hyper m.2, the Deluxe M/B is the one to go because there is no PLX chip involved, and subsequently no delay is involved. I know WS seems to have better power circuits.

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