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  • davepermen - Wednesday, September 28, 2011 - link

    Its actually not the vendor apps that matter, but the special device optimized drivers. I was on the mango beta since quite a while now (so no, current users aren't beta testers, it's just a savety measure for the worst case).
    I got an update today for fresh device drivers on my Samsung Omnia 7. Earlier than my friends even got mango:)
    So far, everything works great, just as expected.

    Posting this from wp7.5 here.

    I hope for a quick rollout without major issues.
  • Kristian Vättö - Wednesday, September 28, 2011 - link

    I added the driver bit.

    It just kind of gives you the idea that the early adopters are still beta testers, even though there was a separate beta. You are limiting the availability in order to be able to sort out issues faster, which is the whole idea of a beta. I'm not saying that it's beta, just that it's darn close ;) Besides, a beta doesn't always mean problems, I have ran many betas which were stabler than the final releases.
  • davepermen - Wednesday, September 28, 2011 - link

    Well, it does not make sense to push out the update immediatel, for everyone. Its just a basic last minute saveguard. One that was needed last time due to a buggy samsung firmware in the wild.

    It only makes sense. No gain in rushing now.
  • Duraz0rz - Wednesday, September 28, 2011 - link

    I've been using the beta for about a month and a half before the official build was released today. Smooth upgrade from the beta to final through Zune; I didn't even have to downgrade to NoDo.

    Threads is pretty sweet. I love the ability to keep track of conversations across multiple IM services.

    The FB integration is much improved, as well as the Twitter and LinkedIn support as well, with support for check-ins, FB Chat (with threads!), events showing up in a separate calendar, and better sharing through the different social networks.

    The new Bing support is pretty cool, as well. Bing Audio for finding out a certain song title and artist, and you're even able to purchase the album through the Marketplace once it finds the song. The QR code and barcode scanning is pretty sweet.

    The SkyDrive support is much improved, with Office now able to edit and share documents on your SkyDrive space.

    All in all, this is what WP7 should have been from the start.
  • mdonatas - Wednesday, September 28, 2011 - link

    There is a simple workaround which will get you Mango update earlier.
    I have successfuly updated my HTC Mozart 7 today with the mango update. Loving it so far :)

    Simple trick to force the Mango update
    September 27, 2011 | By Surur
    With the Windows Phone 7.5 update only being rolled out to 10% of users initially the impatient many many want an early piece of the action.

    It seems the old “disconnect the internet“ trick from the NoDo days also works for forcing Zune to deliver the Mango update to your phone.

    The step by step instructions are:

    Connect your Windows Phone to a PC and launch the Zune software
    Click on Settings/Update. Allow the software to tell you whether an update is available. If so, skip this guide. If not continue to the next step.
    Click the check for update button again, and this time immediately disconnect your computer from the internet. Do this by pulling the Ethernet cable, disabling Wi-Fi, etc.
    Wait 30 seconds or so and you should receive a notification that an update is available.
    Now reconnect to the internet and continue with the update process through the Zune software.
  • Iketh - Wednesday, September 28, 2011 - link

    no "check for updates" button on my zune, and this didn't work... im using Focus
  • ratbert1 - Wednesday, September 28, 2011 - link

    This worked for me on HTC Trophy. Go to they have an article and more info/discussion.
  • InTheBoilerRoom - Wednesday, September 28, 2011 - link

    I performed this forced update trick successfully yesterday on my Sprint HTC Arrive. It did take several attempts to get it to work, though. Once I got the trick to work and the update started, it went perfectly smoothly.

    I can confirm that Sprint is not currently supporting visual voicemail on Windows Phone 7.5, which is a bummer. I was able to create a custom ringtone, as well, but it's a bit annoying. I had to trim an MP3 down to 30 seconds using Audacity, then change it's genre to "ringtone". Everything else I've used seems to be working without a hitch.
  • OoklaTheMok - Wednesday, September 28, 2011 - link

    I got my WP 7.5 earlier than I was supposed to using the update trick I found on wpcentral. It is great! The Windows Phone team have really added some fantastic features and managed to add a bit of polish to the already stunning UI.

    Disclaimer: I do work at Microsoft, but these are my own personal opinions.
  • tturner224 - Wednesday, September 28, 2011 - link

    Found the nodo disconnect trick and finally got it to work on my ATT Focus. The best feature so far is the new web browser. When I was driving home last night I got a text and it read the text to me (hooked up via bluetooth) then asked if I wanted to call the person back (pleasantly surprised). The phone was fast before, but it seems even faster opening apps and the home screen. Wondering where the visual voicemail is though.
  • Braumin - Wednesday, September 28, 2011 - link

    I updated last night using the disconnect method, here are my initial thoughts:

    1. The already great keyboard is now simply amazing
    2. New integration with SMS, Facebook, and Windows Live Messenger all in the messaging app is great.
    3. Love what they have done with the app listing - adding the search and alphabetical listing from the people hub was sorely needed once you got a lot of apps.
    4. Calender can finally support multiple calenders. This was a sore spot for me with the family to keep track of.
    5. Linked email, useful for sure, not something I need but I can see a lot of people loving this.
    6. 3rd party multitasking - finally!
    7. Just too much more to list... this is a huge update

    I would say this update puts Windows Phone on par with the competitors in most categories, and even above in some. I loved my WP7, but there were always little things that bugged me. Those are now all gone, and now there are tons of new features as well. Now if only they can get the carriers to push the phone in the store, they may have a hit.
  • anistoona - Thursday, September 29, 2011 - link

    What about File transfer via Bluetooth ?
  • thrasher32 - Thursday, September 29, 2011 - link

    Yay, I just can't wait to NOT go out and buy a Windows Phone 7.

    I just can't bring myself to be associated with fruitcake "Mango" from SNL.


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