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  • davepermen - Friday, July 29, 2011 - link

    if there's no social aspect in it, why use it?

    the only ones that are in there posting around are the ones too "cool" for facebook. my real friends are all still on facebook. they care about who is on there, not what hip platform it is.

    and i'm really pissed off by the on-their-own-ego-approach google delivered. i want social networks to connect together, and work together so i don't have to be on all them all the time to be connected to my friends. on my wp7, i'm on twitter, facebook and msn. that fills 100% of the people i want to connect to. so what's g+ for, then? for me, for nothing.

    but i guess, stuff will evolve. it'll get tightly integrated, so android users will love it because it's "just there". another reason to not really like it. i don't like one-company-only environments.

    besides, this: imagine doing something wrong and losing everything.
  • Shadowmaster625 - Friday, July 29, 2011 - link

    Yep if you have a blogger account or a youtube account and someone flags you for a copyright violation, you can lose access to everything. I cant decide which one of these companies I hate more.
  • bplewis24 - Friday, July 29, 2011 - link

    That's completely untrue.
  • Souka - Monday, August 1, 2011 - link

    What's Google+?

    (just kidding for all ya flamers about to hit the Reply button)
  • Fragmire - Friday, July 29, 2011 - link

    Please take a look at before throwing out untrue statements. Google only blocks the G+ account, not across all Google properties.
  • JMS3072 - Friday, July 29, 2011 - link

    I have definitely been spending less time on it. Less of it is the novelty wearing off, but part of it is also the relatively small membership.

    I think this is a symptom of how G+ has been spread in contrast to Facebook. When Facebook was first coming out, it was targeted at the pre-existing social hubs- the (forgive me for saying it) nerds who are G+'s target audience don't have the pull in their social circles to get other people to join.
  • Botia - Friday, July 29, 2011 - link

    I'm glad I can spend 5 minutes and keep up with my friends. To do the same on Facebook takes constant monitoring all day long. Too much of a time sync for me. If G+ can achieve the same thing in 5 minutes, I'm all for it.
  • quiksilvr - Friday, July 29, 2011 - link

    I've spent less time in general on Facebook and social sites. I think I've realized that I don't really care anymore. All Facebook has become is a place to either chat or look at pictures of hot girls. That's pretty much it.
  • Souka - Monday, August 1, 2011 - link

    Don't forget posting pictures of what you ate, what movie you're seeing, or book you just downloaded....
  • creathir - Friday, July 29, 2011 - link

    The problem with a social network launch is just that, you need people to be social on it. It seems like no one (at least in my circles) uses it. We should I check it when there is nothing to check? And that circle of behavior continues until you have to go on Facebook to let others know you've just posted on Google+. I feel like everyone thought it was chicke to be on it, but then just left it at that. That's just my two cents though...
  • alent1234 - Friday, July 29, 2011 - link

    more than one person i know on facebook created an account and rarely uses it. G+ is like a twiiter/friendfeed clone. the point is for the oprah's of the internet to post links and stuff and everyone else to reply how cool it is. the oprah's are robert scoble, kawasaki and a few others who post something every 5 minutes to the point that your whole feed is polluted by them

    some of the Google employees that are actually working on G+ aren't posting as much yet. i've even read that the whole point is to have a database of good links and sources to clean up their general search results from SEO pollution

    G+ is ok to kill some time at work by following the oprah's of the internet but it will never beat facebook. Privacy controls are a lot better on facebook that google+. so far it's mostly the pricks who hate the games and other fun stuff that people post on facebook that went to G+. one of them on G+ is even uncircling everyone who posts funny gif's. this guy is the CEO of a useless social network that will soon die off

    on the plus side there are some hot women on G+ and it's easy to find them and follow them
  • Kepe - Friday, July 29, 2011 - link

    The main problem for me is that only a couple of my friends use Google+. On Facebook I have ~150 friends, on Google+ I have ~15 friends. And of those 15 friends, less than 5 have posted anything. So yeah, no wonder why I only check the G+ site only once or twice a day.
  • bplewis24 - Friday, July 29, 2011 - link

    Exactly. I don't know why people don't realize this. As the membership grows, more content will be shared and more time will be spent there. People can paint the doom & gloom picture all they want, but the reality is that G+ isn't going away.
  • xype - Friday, July 29, 2011 - link

    A friend of mine said exactly the same thing some time ago. About Google Wave.
  • PseudoKnight - Friday, July 29, 2011 - link

    And it might have been true had Google not killed it. Google isn't going to kill Plus.
  • PubFiction - Sunday, July 31, 2011 - link

    And google buzz
  • welshy992 - Friday, July 29, 2011 - link

    Actually, all my real friends jumped on G+ because we're sick of not being able to post things on Facebook due to family friending. The circles makes it so easy to share to the right people. All of us had originally switched to for our sharing, but g+ does it even better.

    I have a feeling that the majority of users on social networks haven't really found their niche in it's use. I use it for sharing articles, and my friends do the same, but we're entirely inclusive and we love it that way. It's like chatting with your friends about stuff all day long. Using it for posting your "mood" is so narcissistic. Who cares, show me a funny/interesting blog post or gif or gtfo.
  • alent1234 - Friday, July 29, 2011 - link

    posting to selected friends is a PITA on the mobile version of facebook but not on G+

    facebook has been behind the power curve in mobile access
  • welshy992 - Friday, July 29, 2011 - link

    If you like Yahoo omgsomanylinksandthingstoclickilovemafiawars!
    stay on facebook, please for the love of God stay there and never leave.

    If you like google+twitter and a spartan aesthetic, then migrate. Seems simple enough.
  • bendrix - Friday, July 29, 2011 - link

    When Google booted me earlier this week for no apparent reason with no explanation or path for my return they slowly ate away at my enthusiasm and good intentions to share tips and tutorials with new comers... as each day wanes on I loose more and more interest in wanting to be part of the service. I'm trying to be understanding and level headed about the experience but the damage has been done and still no one has sought to rectify it even after I sent in a few appeals. I wish them well because I'm a long term Google power user and Google is the superior service that I would love to be part of but if they won't return me back my profile that i created in 2004 then its unlikely that I can ever be a cheerleader or part of that ecosystem again.

    - bendrix
  • welshy992 - Friday, July 29, 2011 - link

    They're currently banning people forming organization/company accounts on the service. If you were advertising services, even if free. That puts you into that demographic at the moment.
  • Conficio - Friday, July 29, 2011 - link

    "They're currently banning people forming organization/company accounts on the service. If you were advertising services, even if free. That puts you into that demographic at the moment."

    What sense does that make? They are censoring the speech as for it does not fit their desired pattern?

    As far as I know there are no "company" pages so far. So people are experimenting with how they can use it and it is always up to the subsriber to follow or not.

    I have no glue about "bendrix" case, but for Google to censor any content other than what they are required by law (and which law should apply here anyway in a soacial network that transcends national boundaries). That would be really a deal breaker move for me.
  • welshy992 - Friday, July 29, 2011 - link

    They've explicitly stated that this is temporary. Organizations aren't allowed. Perhaps if you take a step back from the entire "censoring" argument and look at the fact that company/organization pages on facebook get millions upon millions of hits. This is obviously a scaling problem they are trying to get working correctly before enabling. What the fuck is up with this whole:


    No you can't. You aren't paying for their servers or their development team so if they decide to not allow corporate entities to play for the time being while they ramp everything to HANDLE the load I think that makes a lot of sense, don't you?
  • GuinnessKMF - Friday, July 29, 2011 - link

    Time spent on the site will decline as people get used to the interface and are able to navigate the site quicker. They also will spend less time as they catch up to the content, as I imagine the first time you join you might spend a bit of time checking out what your friends have been using it for or just simply finding all of your friends.

    Naturally time spent will be at a peak when people first join, and as they get used to it they will simply just check in every now and then to see updates. I don't think that's an indication of a failing just yet.
  • Kelemvor - Friday, July 29, 2011 - link

    I have FB and G+. However I only have like 20 people who I've found on G+ of my 300+ FB friends. That means it's somewhat useless as there's not much there.

    But to be fair, I have really stopped using FB lately as well. It's just too time consuming to weed through everything. Even with an awesome extension like BetterFaceBook, there's still pages upon pages of posts to go through and I just don't really care about most of them.

    Honestly, it'd probably about the same with G+ as well if I had the same 300 friends on there. If I had unlimited free time at work and things, I'm sure I'd check it more often. But my time is limited so I only check each now and then.
  • darenbrantley - Saturday, July 30, 2011 - link

    You can weed out the 'friends' you're not all that interested in.. click the X on one of their posts in your feed, and select "hide all posts by xxx".
  • DrApop - Friday, July 29, 2011 - link

    I think Google needs to "do a Facebook".

    What do I mean by that? They need to contact all their Gmail users (via email) and actively promote Google + through US universities starts in just a few scant weeks. Then they need to say that anyone with a college/university email account gets a free invite to Google + (sort of like how facebook started building their user base).

    They could then offer up 5-10 invites per university user to invite friends/family members outside of their university networks.

    I believe college students are the major players in the social network arena followed by HS students.

    Perhaps I am wrong but that is just the way I see it.
  • dlochinski - Friday, July 29, 2011 - link

    I actually use it more now than when I first started. It feels different than facebook, which I'm fine using both. I think of google + as a way to filter some people I don't want to see onfacebook
  • tombetz - Friday, July 29, 2011 - link

    ... is that the drop in user visits and time spent corresponds with the release of the Google+ IOS app. App traffic, IOS or Android, is not included in this report's measurements.

    Anyway, what will really matter is traffic after the beta period ends.
  • SUPERich6 - Friday, July 29, 2011 - link

    I like G+ and have been an early adopter of everything Google. My account is still active and I have had no issues (to date) with it. However, I think G+ will last and I like that I can share info with certain people and not others. There's some stuff I only want my "real" friends to see. Not everyone I've ever encountered in my life who've friended me. Sure it's great to see what they're up to and laugh at some of their funny comments. But I don't want FB to decide what my "Top News" is, no matter how accurate the AI in it is. I want to share my info with who I decide, and I want to see what's going on with certain people. Google allows that. FB isn't there yet. As far as people are concerned, well, everyone is on FB today. But that's the same that was said on MySpace. I'm not saying one should replace the other, but competition certainly allows for consumers to have the best of everything. Especially when it's free.
  • nombrecinq - Friday, July 29, 2011 - link

    What's Google+ ??????
  • justinf79 - Friday, July 29, 2011 - link

    Someone sent me an invite about 2 weeks ago, and I've yet to receive it. So so far I think G+ is the poo. :/
  • AJRobins - Saturday, July 30, 2011 - link

    In addition to the "lack of friends", the stories of kicking people off and deleting their gmail accounts (regardless of whether or not its warranted) aren't exactly helping, either. Google needs as much good press as possible; bad press is likely going to hurt G+ a lot right now.
  • WildW - Saturday, July 30, 2011 - link

    Won't let me join it, so clearly they're still not ready for more users.
  • vision33r - Sunday, July 31, 2011 - link

    Now why would normal people want to switch from Facebook to Google+?

    Facebook is where the hot women are and try moving them to Google+, the main reasons guys stick to FB is to hunt for these hotties.

    The only people on Google+ are the fanboys, kids too cool for FB, and novelty folks who like newness.

    Hey I like newness too but some things I don't care about sticking with such as Starbucks, Windows PC, and Facebook is great for keeping with the family. Why would I leave FB for another thing we need to sign up and setup.

    Google might as well pay people $100 to use and may get traffic for a year or rso.
  • haplo602 - Monday, August 1, 2011 - link

    actualy it's the first and only social network I use. I have 2 friends there and only use it to keep an overview. the only problem is the bad integration with gmail, contacts do not automaticaly transfer to gmail.
  • weiliaoen - Monday, August 1, 2011 - link

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