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  • Anonymous User - Tuesday, July 29, 2003 - link

    Why didn't they make the CD-RW and DVD-RW writting standard like a hardrive? Why couldn't they have used HPFS, or even FAT32 instead of the sequential writting style? It probably would of been a lot quicker to read an write, and you wouldn't need some silly floppy image at the beginning of your CD to make it bootable.
  • rayahari - Friday, August 6, 2010 - link

    Hey guys its a nice and fast drive.
    New one avaible on Ebay for lowwwest price -
  • wisetech - Monday, October 14, 2019 - link

    Inbox wisetechhacker at g mail dot com or text +1{917}5085328   for the services of a certified and ethical hacker to change college grades,clear criminal records etc...hit me up and it's done
  • AprilLee - Wednesday, March 18, 2020 - link

    What was the need to introduce CRW-5224A when already the features were present in CRW-4012A-U.? I think instead of wasting time on describing the same thing one must focus on the flaws of this CD at and then introduce something better than the previous.

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